Today’s Promise

September 27, 2024

You Are Alive to God and Dead to Sin

Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Romans 6:11

You Are Dead

The power of sin is broken in your life. Sin no longer has control over you. Why? The Bible says you are dead.

I have some bad news for you. You are dead; dead to your sin, dead to your old life, and dead to the world. The good news is that you are alive in Christ.

Paul says to remember and count it as a fact that you are dead to sin and alive to Christ.

Before you came to Christ, you were a slave to your sin. Sin had complete control over you. You were in bondage to your own passions and desires.

Alive in God

When you came to Christ in faith, you died to your old life. He broke the power of sin and freed you from sin’s penalty and control. 

Dead people have no problem with sin. There is little sin going on at a cemetery. Dead people don’t have to deal with pride, gossip, lust, or fear. They are literally dead to all these things.

Paul is not suggesting you act like you are dead, commanding you to feel like you are dead or even to become dead. Paul is reminding you that you are, in fact, dead. Your old life has died, and your past makes no difference. 

This is such a fundamental truth. Until you see with your spiritual eyes that you are dead to sin, sin will always be a struggle. 

You are not only dead to sin, but you are alive to Christ. When Christ rose from the dead, you rose with Him. You rose to a new life with Him. You are not who you once were. You were a sinner, controlled by sin. Now you are a child of the Living God. A citizen in the Kingdom of God, and you live in the power of Christ in you.

Raised With Christ

You have been raised to a new life of fellowship with Christ. Your eternal life began the moment you placed your faith in Christ. You are living the eternal life now. When you go to heaven, it’s just a change of location. 

Because you are alive in Christ, the Holy Spirit empowers you to live the resurrected life. You live above the dead and dying world around you. As one living among the dead, you bring life and light to the world around you.

Sin once enslaved you, but now you live in the new life Christ has given you. Free from the power and penalty of sin and alive to the God who loves you so much.

Look at that promise again.

Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. – Romans 6:11

Make these confessions.

  • I am dead to my sin and my old sinful nature.
  • As a dead person, sin has no power over me.
  • I am not the old person I once was.
  • I am alive in Christ and walk as a new person in Him.

In Jesus’ name,

God says you are dead to your sin and your old life. The good news is you are also alive to God in Christ.

There is no question our schools are under attack. It seems every day, we hear of gun violence, bullying, and other dangers at our schools. Every day, our students face all sorts of temptations and challenges. That’s why I am proud to partner with the School Prayer Challenge. This little app on your phone allows you to join others in your community, praying for protection around our schools.

The app lists every school in the United States. You can create a list of schools to pray for and then see how many others are praying for your schools. The goal of the School Prayer Challenge is to have people praying for every school in our nation. You can download the app for free in your app store or go to Take the challenge to pray for schools across our country.

Do you see yourself as dead to sin? (Share a Yes or No in the comments below)

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  1. Omer September 27, 2024 at 6:01 am - Reply

    God always listen and hears our prayers. Know he heard answers our prayers, whether it is yes or no or wait.
    How wonderful our God is.🙏😇❤️

  2. Karen September 27, 2024 at 6:37 am - Reply


  3. Tae September 27, 2024 at 8:03 am - Reply

    Yessss Amen🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  4. TRAVIS JOHNSON September 27, 2024 at 9:14 am - Reply

    We are new creatures in Christ Jesus. The old man is dead, we have new lives not ruled by sin, but alive to God in Christ. Amen

  5. David Soldan September 27, 2024 at 10:07 am - Reply

    I am dead to sin and alive in Christ Jesus 🙂

  6. Denise Hines September 27, 2024 at 11:33 am - Reply

    Denise Hines

    I so grateful God is alive in me🙌

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