Today’s Promise

August 19, 2024

God’s Grace Goes to the Humble

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:6

Overflowing Grace

When we humble ourselves before God, we find His grace overflowing in our life.

God has a tender spot for the humble. Those who submit their lives to Him find grace to face every situation.

Grace is God’s love in action. When you humble yourself before God, His grace flows over you and into every area of your life.

Humility begins with confessing that you need God. You admit you aren’t smart enough or strong enough to meet the challenges of day-to-day living. You humble yourself by submitting your life to His will and direction.

The proud person doesn’t need God. They think they can live a meaningful life without His help. A proud person sees himself as the center of their universe. It’s a sad thought, but God opposes the proud person. God literally works against the person who refuses to humble himself.

Spiritual Pride

Unfortunately, many Christians live with spiritual pride. Although they trust Christ for their salvation, they don’t trust Him for day-to-day living. They rarely spend time in prayer, asking for God’s help and guidance.

Your prayer life is a crucial indicator of your level of pride. Can you go days without stopping to pray? Do you forget to seek God’s direction in your decisions in life? If so, you may be living a prideful Christian life.

Humble Yourself

God calls you to humble yourself. When you do, He will exalt you. When you do His job and exalt yourself, then God does your job by humbling you. (Let me say God is very good at humbling.) If you are like me, I have experienced the humbling hand of God many times in my life.

If you want God’s grace flowing through your life, then humble yourself before Him. Bow your knee and confess you don’t have all the answers and that you need His help.

God’s grace follows those who completely depend on Christ.

Look at that promise again.

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” – James 4:6

Make these confessions.

  • I live in humble dependence on God.
  • As I humble myself before God, He pours His grace on me.
  • God opposes the Proud and Independent.
  • I confess my need for Christ and humble myself before Him today.

In Jesus’ Name,

As you humble yourself by spending time with God, you will find His grace and favor growing in your life.

Today is the last day I’ll mention Praying for Students. There is still time to sign up and receive a daily reminder to pray for your child or grandchild. School is a different place than it was when you attended. There are so many new temptations and challenges for your student. They need your prayer covering to deal with the attacks Satan is throwing at them. Sign up for free at

How have you seen God’s grace released in your life? (Share your answer in the comment section below).

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