Today’s Promise

June 11, 2024

You Have a Heavenly Crown

And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
1 Peter 5:4

As Christians, we wait with great expectation for Christ to return. When He returns, He will reward those who have placed their faith in trust in Him.

When Jesus Returns

One day, Jesus will return. When He comes, He will set up His eternal kingdom here on earth. There will be a new heaven and earth, and God will dwell among His people.

When He returns, He will reward those who have faithfully served Him.

The Christian life is filled with rewards here on earth. You have God’s protection, guidance, and the Holy Spirit dwelling in You. However, the rewards in this world are nothing compared to the eternal rewards God has for you. God rewards in heaven those who served Him here on earth. 

A Heavenly Crown

God will give a crown of glory to those who faithfully ministered for Him. You don’t have to be a pastor or elder to minister faithfully. As you allow God to lead you and share God’s word with others, you are sowing the seeds for a reward in heaven. One day, God will reward your faithful service with a crown of glory.

In the New Testament, the crown of glory was given to military heroes and athletic victors. It wasn’t a king’s crown but a wreath made of flowers. It was a symbolic celebration of their victory. Unfortunately, it was made of flowers, and it would eventually fade and die.

An Eternal Crown

Your crown of glory will never fade or lose its luster. Its shining glory will last for all eternity. It is an eternal reward for the temporary service you gave to Christ and His followers. Your crown of glory will last forever and bring glory and honor to Christ.

With busy schedules and overstuffed calendars, it’s easy to forget that this life is just a rehearsal for eternity. Never forget God rewards those who are faithful in their service to Him.

If you lead in a ministry, God will reward you. If you help in the church, He has a crown for you. Don’t get discouraged in serving the Lord. You may not see all the rewards you want to see in this life, but you can be confident that your reward is waiting when Jesus returns.

Look at that promise again.

And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. – 1 Peter 5:4

Make these confessions.

  • God will reward my service to Him and the body of Christ.
  • When Jesus returns, I will receive my reward.
  • I am storing up my rewards in heaven.
  • One day I will wear a crown of glory.

In Jesus’ Name,

When Christ returns, those faithful to minister to others will receive a crown of glory. That crown will never fade and will last for all eternity.

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If you are looking forward to the reward Christ has for you, place an “I Am” in the comment sections below.

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  1. Tony Baiden June 11, 2024 at 3:11 am - Reply

    I Am

  2. Brenda June 11, 2024 at 5:15 am - Reply

    I am

  3. Omer June 11, 2024 at 5:32 am - Reply

    I am!🙏😇👍

  4. Karen June 11, 2024 at 6:20 am - Reply

    I am 🙏

  5. DeVere June 11, 2024 at 6:27 am - Reply

    I am!

  6. David June 11, 2024 at 8:45 am - Reply

    I am!

  7. Travis Johnson June 11, 2024 at 10:12 am - Reply

    I am looking forward to laying my crown at the feet of Jesus, who deserves all the glory.

  8. Wallie June 11, 2024 at 10:48 am - Reply

    I am!

  9. David Soldan June 11, 2024 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    I am!!!

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