Today’s Promise

June 14, 2024

All Things Are Possible Through Faith

And Jesus said to him, All things are possible to him who believes.
Mark 9:23

What is your faith level? Today we’re looking at what Jesus had to say about faith. When you have faith, all things are possible.

All Things Are Possible

One day, a man brought His demon-possessed son to Jesus. He cried out for mercy and asked if there was anything Jesus could do to help.

In response, Jesus made a simple yet profound statement. “All things are possible to him who believes.”

God wants to do more in your life than you can imagine. He wants to open the doors of heaven and rain down His blessing and favor on you. He also wants to use you to bring the Kingdom of God into your daily living.

Limiting God

Many of us limit God’s work in our lives by our lack of faith. You can never please God without faith. When you walk in faith, you open the power of God in your life. God rewards those who walk and pray in faith. 

Faith is more than positive thinking. It is not thinking good thoughts or faith in faith itself. 

Faith is putting your complete trust in the goodness and promise of God. Faith is believing that what God has said, He will do. Without faith, all the promises of the Bible are meaningless.

When it came to faith, Jesus always astounded His followers. He was completely confident that God would answer His prayers. He was certain that when He prayed, God would answer.

Help My Unbelief

Many of us need to echo what the man who brought his child to Jesus asked, “Help my unbelief.” As we learn to grow our faith by putting God’s word into our lives and standing on it, we will see God do incredible things in our lives.

How is your faith? Is your faith strong or weak? Is it growing or stagnating? When you pray, do you really expect God to answer? Is your lack of faith holding back the work God wants to do in your life? 

God wants to grow your faith and trust in Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your level of faith. Remember, “All things are possible to those who believe.”

Look at this promise once again.

And Jesus said to him,” ‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.” – Mark 9:23

Make these confessions.

  • God wants to do more in and through me than I can imagine.
  • Nothing is impossible when I put my faith in Christ.
  • When I pray in faith, God answers.
  • Father, grow my faith in you.
  • Today, I walk and pray with faith in Christ.

In Jesus’ Name,

When you pray in faith, it opens new possibilities. Praying in faith moves you from praying little prayers to a little God to praying big prayers to a great God.

As we celebrate fathers this Sunday, maybe it’s time you got serious about praying for your husband. Learning to pray for your husband is critical to your relationship. However, most men are not going to share with you where they really need prayer. Praying for Him will transform the way you pray for your husband. Find out more and sign up for free at

What are you praying in faith for today? (Share your thoughts in the comment section below.)

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  1. Omer June 14, 2024 at 5:44 am - Reply

    I’m praying God will heal my skin cancer, my parkinson and asthma faith God will hear and heal if it be his will.👍😇🙏Amen

  2. Brian Miller June 14, 2024 at 6:23 am - Reply

    I pray for you and believe our great and mighty God has heard and healed you without a doubt! In Jesus name I pray !

  3. Warren June 20, 2024 at 12:34 pm - Reply

    I pray for GOD to provide me a way to take care of my family. Amen

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