Today’s Promise

September 18, 2024

The Cure for Worry is Prayer

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

When you are filled with anxiety, you have two choices. You can worry, or you can pray. God invites you to bring your fears, anxieties, and worries to Him.

Your Secret Weapon

The Christian’s secret weapon is prayer. Prayer can be directed across the country and arrive in an instant. Prayers can be time delayed, so they are answered at just the right moment. Prayer brings the glory of heaven into the mundane of life.

When you pray, you step into heaven and bring your request to the King of Glory. God promises to hear your request and answer.

Unfortunately, we fail to use this secret weapon God has given us. Instead, we choose to worry, fret, and be anxious about what we are going through. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders instead of allowing the Lord Jesus to carry it for us. 

Prayer is the demonstration of your faith. Until you pray, your faith is just talk. Prayer brings your faith to the forefront and invites God into the situations you face.

Pray About Everything

This promise commands you to pray about everything. It doesn’t mean you walk around with your head bowed and eyes closed. It means you bring God into the details of your life. It might mean a short prayer spoken under your breath as you enter a meeting or a silent prayer when you find yourself in the middle of a conflict.

Prayer is the Cure

Prayer is the cure for worry. When you pray about everything, you don’t worry about anything. When you pray about nothing, you worry about everything. 

If you want to overcome worry and anxiety, then pray about everything. Let whatever worries you have become the prayer list you bring to the Father. Let every anxious thought be a call to prayer.

As you bring every worry to the Lord, you will soon find your faith growing, and your worry will disappear. 

Look at that promise again.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6

Make this confession.

  • I will not worry; I will pray.
  • Nothing is too small to pray about.
  • When I become anxious or fretful, I will pray.
  • I will pray about everything and worry about nothing.

In Jesus’ name,

God gives you the solution to your fear and worry. Your worry and fear fade as you learn to bring everything to the Lord. You will have new boldness and confidence that God is taking care of you.

Right now, many pastors may be struggling. A recent survey showed that 90% of pastors struggle with fatigue and feel worn out. Many pastors are discouraged, weary, and stressed. Your pastor needs your prayer support. Just as Aaron held up the arms of Moses, you can lift your pastor to the Lord. Sign up for Praying for Pastors and undergird him with 31 daily prayers. Sign up for free at

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  1. Omer September 18, 2024 at 6:55 am - Reply

    Thank God for Jesus to pray to for our welfare.

  2. Travis Johnson September 18, 2024 at 7:03 am - Reply

    Thank you Lord for this instructive, helpful word from Scripture. It has helped me overcome worry and anxiety many times, especially when I pray with thanksgiving, acknowledging that You will take care of the problem. Amen. Thank You Lord.

  3. Denise Hines September 18, 2024 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    Denise Hine
    I will not pray and worry

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