Today’s Promise
February 25, 2025
Delight in God’s Word
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1:2-3
Delighting in God’s Word
When you make God’s Word a priority in your life, it gives strength, security, and refreshment.
When you make God’s Word a priority in your life, you become like a firmly planted tree. When you delight in His Word, your roots grow deep, giving you strength and security.
Here are five reasons to delight in God’s word and become a firmly planted tree.
A firmly planted tree can withstand the storms of life. When the wind blows, and the storms come, a tree that has deep roots can stand firm. As you allow the Word of God to go deep into your heart, you develop a foundation that will survive any and every storm of life.
A firmly planted tree is refreshing. There’s something special about sitting in the shade of a big tree. The tree provides a cooling refreshment on a hot summer day. As you think about God’s Word, your heart is refreshed and renewed. You become a refreshment to the tired and hurting world around you. You bring God’s refreshing word into every situation of life.
A firmly planted tree lasts for generations. Some oak trees can live for over 500 years. The Bristlecone Pine can live up to 5,000 years. God wants to plant you firmly so you can leave a heritage of faith to your family and the generations to come.
A firmly planted tree provides protection. St Paul’s Chapel in New York City is just 100 yards from the Twin Towers that collapsed on 911. The chapel survived the catastrophe because a giant sycamore tree planted in its cemetery protected it. When you focus on God’s Word, it becomes a firm foundation that protects you and your family from every enemy.
A firmly planted tree is planted for a purpose. Some trees grow in the wild, but planted trees are there for a purpose. It may be for shade or just to look nice, but the property owner planted it for a reason. God has you planted right where you are for a purpose. He will use you to provide protection, refreshment, and security to those around you.
Look at that promise again.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. – Psalm 1:2-3
Make these confessions.
- As I delight in God’s word, I become a firmly planted tree.
- God has placed me where I am for a purpose.
- I provide refreshing shelter to everyone around me.
- The storms of life will not move me because I am firmly planted.
- I will impact those around me for generations to come.
In Jesus’ Name,
As you learn to delight in the word of the Lord, God is going to make you like a tree firmly planted for His glory.
If you haven’t picked up your copy of “Praying for Your Pastor,” I encourage you to do so today. Pastors face incredible challenges, and your pastor needs your prayer support. This book offers valuable insights into the needs and struggles your pastor may be experiencing, along with tools to help you pray for him effectively. It also includes 31 prayer topics and prayers to get you started. You can purchase your copy on Amazon and is available in both print and Kindle editions.
I Want My Copy
God’s word is a stronghold of love, strength and praise. A powerful weapon and daily struggles. to God be the glory.
God I know is always there to help me along the ways I couldn’t make it wifhout HIM🙏❤️👍😇
God word help me to be strong and keep standing for what’s right, the word of God is good for my soul. The word gives strength to its help me to live better.
Thank you soooooooo much for that powerful and inspiring word. I know that I am a tree of righteousness planted by the Lord. You explained it so well the reasons to become a firmly planted tree. Very enlightening. Thank you brother Taylor.
The best way is to spend time in God’s Word. His Word is Alive. And I come expecting. Don’t rush. I give the Lord the first part of the day. .Now I see I need also to give Him part of the evening also. The Lord desires for us to get to know Him. He knows everything about us. I also have different versions of the Bible. I may look look up a scripture in a few different versions to get a better understanding of it.
I will delight in jesues each day. thank you jesus to planting me everyday
I memorize Scripture and meditate on what it says and it produces fruitfulness and success in my life. Glory to God.