Today’s Promise

February 27, 2024

God Will Order Your Steps

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.
Psalm 37:23

As you trust in the Lord, He will guide you and secure your steps. He will lead you in the right direction and strengthen your walk.

The average person in the United States takes about 4,700 steps a day. Over a lifetime, that’s a lot of steps. For the Christian, God has ordered each of those steps. The word “ordered” means to “make firm and establish.” Every day, God is firming up your steps to keep you from falling.

There are two essential truths to remember about God ordering your steps.

First, God has an order for your steps. As we saw in Jeremiah 29:11, God has a plan for your life, and that plan is good. God is directing your steps so you can fulfill the plan He has for you. As you allow, He will show you the right choices to make and lead you down the best path. He will show you which step to take to keep you going in the right direction.

Second, God orders your steps by securing your footing. Sometimes, life can feel like you are walking up a mountain of loose gravel. For every two step forward, you slide back one. Progress is slow, treacherous, and exhausting. You are not sure if you will ever reach the top.

God Orders Your Steps

As God orders your steps, He keeps you from falling by making sure you are standing on solid ground. In Psalm 40:2, the psalmist says God placed his feet on a rock and made his footsteps firm. God is doing that for you today. While others are sliding backward or stumbling, God keeps your steps firm and secure. He plants your feet on the right path and shows you where you should step. As you seek to follow Christ today, God will direct and confirm your steps.

The second part of this verse is a promise that when you allow God to order your steps, He delights in you. Like a proud father who rejoices over the first steps of his child, God rejoices over you. He takes great joy and delight as you allow Him to lead and order your steps.

Look at that promise once again.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. – Psalm 37:23

Make these confessions.

  • Today, God orders my steps.
  • I am walking in the way He leads me.
  • He places my feet on solid ground.
  • My every step is directed and secured by Christ.

In Jesus’ Name,

When your path is rough and unstable, God will secure your steps.


In the busy world we live in, most of us need a reminder to pray for our spouses. If you have gone through Praying for Him or Praying for Her, you can extend your prayer emails by subscribing to Praying for Him or Her 365. Every morning, you will get an email prayer reminder with a scripture to claim, a topic, and a sample prayer to get you started. Guys, go to and click on “Keep it Going” on the top right of the screen. Ladies, go to and click on “Keep it going” on the top right of the screen.

How are you allowing God to direct your steps today? (Post your thoughts in the comment section)

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  1. Omer Hughes February 27, 2025 at 4:56 am - Reply

    Yes I am 👍🙏😇. God will lead guide and direct me👍

  2. Tt February 27, 2025 at 8:12 am - Reply

    I am trusting in gods word and keeping first. I feel like I continue to backslide when it comes to my faith. While I know he there walking with me i still sometimes feel like a lost sheep.

    I am blessed to have so many things right now when so many others are suffering. I feel guilty at times to ask him for one more thing.

  3. Travis Johnson February 27, 2025 at 8:57 am - Reply

    I ask God to guide my steps today, Since He wants to do that already, I believe He will. Amen.

  4. Denise Hines February 27, 2025 at 10:04 am - Reply

    God please order my steps today. AMEN

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