Today’s Promise
March 14, 2025
I Am God’s Handiwork
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
God’s Masterpiece
You are the handiwork of God. You are not a genetic accident but a creation of the living God. God made you for His purpose and glory. The word “workmanship” means a work of art or a masterpiece. You are the expression of the great creator God. Like a fine painting signed by the artist, you are God’s masterpiece. Have you ever thought of yourself as God’s masterpiece?
Since before you were born, God has been working in your life. He drew you to Himself and called you to follow Him. You were saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. You didn’t earn it or deserve it. He continues to work in you to make you just like Jesus. Every day, the grand master craftsman molds and forms you into His perfect image.
Made for a Purpose
God created you with a purpose in mind. He created you with the perfect mix of skills, gifts, and talents so you could be a unique minister of His love to the world. God has your days planned, and they are full of good works that bring Him glory.
So many people have the wrong idea when it comes to good works. Good works don’t save you. Good works will never get you into heaven. Good works follow salvation, but they don’t earn it. Good works are part of the Christian life. They are the natural expression of what God has done in your life. Your good works glorify God and point people to Christ.
Look at that promise one more time.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
Make these confessions.
- I am the handiwork of God.
- He created me in His image, and I am His masterpiece.
- Every day, God plans good works for me.
- As I walk in good works, I bring glory and honor to Him.
In Jesus’ Name,
Like a master artisan, God is fashioning you into His perfect masterpiece. You will bring Him glory through the good works you do.
Ladies, want to encourage your husband? You can learn to pray for protection, strength, and courage over your husband through Praying for Him. In Praying for Him, you will receive a daily email that includes a topic to pray, a scripture to claim, and even a short text message to tell your husband what you are praying for him that day. Learn how to pray for him daily and effectively. Go to to sign up for free.
Is God your strength today? (Post your answer in the comment section)
Amen this is so powerful. I try and help everyone and I believe god designed me this way. People tell me stop helping everyone and stop being so nice especially when I do not get it in return. I always knew I was different man’s I always knew hod has a plan for my life and this. just confirms it,
Thank you lord
YES Amen🙏
Yes, absolutely.
This is so exciting and wonderful. I am a work in progress, being fashioned and prepared by God for God’s good purposes, that I should walk in these good works for His glory.
I am gods good work. AMEN