October 14, 2019
Today’s Promise
I Place My Cares on Christ
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Are you anxious today? If so, this a great promise for you.
We all have worries, cares, and concerns. Sometimes life is hard. Every day, you have a choice. You can walk around worried and anxious, or you can turn your cares over to the Lord.
God loves and cares for you so much, and He invites you to place all your cares and concerns on Him.
God takes great pride in the humble. The verse right before this promise instructs you to humble yourself so He can exalt you.
The humble person turns everything over to the Lord.
The word “cast” here means to throw onto something or someone. It’s the picture of the person confessing they aren’t good enough, strong enough, or smart enough to carry their struggles, so they throw them on Jesus.
In Matthew 11:28, Jesus stands before the people and says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He invited those who were tired of carrying their own burdens to come throw them on Him.
A proud person carries their own problems and worries.
They come to God only when they feel overwhelmed. The humble bring everything to the Lord because they know they can’t handle it themselves.
The reason you can confidently throw your cares on Christ is that He cares for you. You matter to God. He is ready and willing to take on your anxious concerns.
When you place your cares on Christ, you find new courage to face your concerns. You receive wisdom for what you need to do about the problem. God gives you new strength and faith to face your problems with complete dependence on God.
How many cares, worries, and burdens are you carrying today? Wouldn’t you like to cast them on Him? He does care for you.
Look at that promise again.
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7
Make this confession.
Today I cast all my cares on Christ
I humble myself and place my trust in Him
I know He will carry my burdens
Because He cares for me.
In Jesus Name,
When you cast all your anxieties on the Lord, you will find new strength, confidence, and faith as you trust the Lord’s goodness to bring you through.
If you someone to stand with you in your struggle, let me encourage you to post a prayer request on our prayer wall at nationalprayerroom.com There you will find people who will pray for you and stand with you.
This is very true, and a beautiful promise. However, keep in mind there are people who struggle with anxiety disorders, which has little to do with how much faith they have in God. Many Christian people who have anxiety disorders feel shamed by well-meaning friends who tell them all they need to do is trust Jesus and have more faith. In addition to casting their cares on Him, they may also need therapy and perhaps even medication to help them manage their disorder. I’m grateful Jesus understands this!
Thanks for your note. The Christian life is a journey. Casting our cares on Him is often a process more than an event. Even those with anxiety disorder can find comfort and healing through the power of Christ within them. They may need help at times, and there is no reason for shame. We each have our own struggles. Our loving Father knows each o four needs and is patiently working to make us more like Christ.
I need love, wisdom, knowledge and strength and without fear or failure to obey God in all He calls me to do particularly when it comes to other people who say they are Christians and are inside the church building.
Always keep the focus on Christ. Others in the church will disappoint you. None of us has arrived. (Even though some would act as they have) Keep your focus on obedience to Him, and don’t worry about what others say or do.