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March 19, 2021
Today’s Promise
My Harvest is Coming
Galatians 6:9
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
You Harvest What You Sow
There is a universal law of life that says, whatever you plant, you reap. When it comes to the Kingdom of God, when you plant obedience and good works, you receive a harvest of blessing.
The problem is it takes time for the harvest to come. When you plant a seed, it doesn’t bear fruit immediately. It takes time for the seed to grow and mature. As you plant the seeds of doing good, it takes time for those seeds to grow into blessings.
From when you plant the seed until you see the harvest, it’s easy to get discouraged and weary. In the in-between times, you can lose heart in doing what you know God has told you to do.
Noah preached for 120 years and didn’t see one convert. I’m sure he must have thought, “I must be doing something wrong.” But eventually, the rain fell, and he and his family were saved.
The Harvest is Coming
Don’t give up! So many blessings are missed because people give up too soon. There is a harvest coming. You just need to keep planting and obeying what God has told you to do. If you keep moving forward and planting seeds, you will reap a harvest.
The harvest comes to those who faithfully plant God’s seed every day.
You may be ministering in an area where God called you, but you don’t see the results. Don’t give up. Keep planting. The harvest will come.
You may be praying for a family member or friend. Don’t get weary in prayer. Keep praying, and God will answer.
You may be struggling with a problem or situation. Don’t stop doing what is right. If you keep sowing the right seed, the harvest will come.
Look at that promise again.
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. – Galatians 6:9
Make these confessions.
- I will not lose heart.
- I will continue to plant the seeds God has given me.
- I may not see it yet, but the harvest is coming.
- I will not grow weary, and I will not give up.
- Every day, God is growing the seeds that I plant.
- I will be faithful until I see the harvest God brings.
In Jesus Name,
Remember, the harvest comes to those who faithfully plant God’s seed every day.
Guys, we all know we should be praying for our wives, but so few guys know how. Pick up a copy of my book “Praying for Your Wife” and learn how to pray for your wife daily and effectively. (Ladies, it won’t hurt to order a copy for your husband.) It’s available on Amazon in print and Kindle. Click Here.
Are you looking forward to your harvest? Share in the comments below.
I’m looking for my Harvest and I will receive. It is due season.
Thank you for the reminder to stay encouraged
I’ve been meeting with my neighbors and talking about Jesus to them. One is a practicing Hindu and the other has an inherited religion from her father, she is Orthodox though she does not go to Church or have any relationship with the Lord. 2 years ago we met once a week for 4 weeks and I presented the plan of salvation to them, neither accepted but now 2 years later and we have begun to meet again and even though I don’t see any evidence of them accepting Jesus this time either, I will continue to share all I can about Jesus to them. All we have to do is share Jesus with those the Lord puts around us. He will do the rest in His perfect timing. He did for me over 25 years ago. Praise the Lord!!! Holy Spirit, do what you do so well!!!