Today’s Promise
September 21, 2021
God Gives Me Peace
Audio PlayerNow may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!
2 Thessalonians 3:16
We Need Peace!
If there was ever a time when we needed the peace of God, it is now. Our televisions, radios, and screens are filled with fearful messages about one disaster after another. We aren’t sure who we can trust and what we should do next.
Aren’t you glad that Jesus is the Lord of Peace? As the Lord of peace, He is the source of peace in our lives. Long before His birth, the prophet Isaiah called him the Prince of Peace. Peace never comes from the world but only comes through the inner working of Christ in our lives.
When you submit your life to His rule, the Lord of peace will fill you with His peace. It is a supernatural peace that goes beyond your understanding.
The Peace of Christ
Living in the peace of Christ isn’t ignoring the problems and worries around you. Peace-filled living is not denying problems but understanding that God is on His throne and ruling the universe. He is not fearful or worried about what might happen tomorrow and is working to provide everything you need.
Living in the peace of Christ is living in complete dependence on Christ. Sure, you will face problems and difficulties, but you will know that God is in control.
Just like a baby quietly resting in her mother’s arms, you can rest in your Savior’s arms, no matter what is going on around you.
You can rest in peace because the Lord of peace is in you.
Look at that promise again.
Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all! – 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Make these confessions.
- My Savior is the Lord of peace.
- I have God’s peace in every situation.
- As I submit my life to Christ, His peace flows through me.
- I have peace because Jesus is with me.
In Jesus name,
Thanks for being a part of The Daily Promise family. The Daily Promise and The National Prayer Room are only possible through the support of friends like you. If this ministry is a blessing to you; please consider supporting us. You can make a gift by clicking on the donate button on the top right of the screen. Every donation, no matter the size, will help me share the promises around the world.
If you are walking in the peace of God, Put an “I Am!” in the comment section.
I am!
I am!
I am!
“I Am learning to walk in the peace of God.”
I Am
I’m in peace knowing our is with me always.
I am
I am!
I am, and I just shared this with my daughter who has been having bad dreams for the past few nights. Thank you for encouraging us in our daily walk with Jesus! God bless you and your ministry!
This used to happen to my daughter, try praying through her room, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal if there is anything that might need to be removed from her room. Also, you can put the full armor of God on her.
I am!
I am!
I am learning to walk in the peace of God. And looking forward to next promise. Daily promise is to send promise every day or every week?
If you signed up, you will receive the Daily Promise via email 6 days a week. Monday – Friday, we do a new promise each Day. On Saturday, we review what we coved during the week. – Billy
I AM!!!
I AM!!!!