Today’s Promise

November 9, 2021

God Always Fulfills His Promise

Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness.
Romans 4:21-22

Faith Is…

In these three verses, God gives us an example of faith. Faith is trusting that God will do what He has promised.

Most of this chapter is about the faith of Abraham and how His faith was counted as righteous. 

As you remember, God spoke to Abraham through an angel and told him that He would give him a son even though he was 100 years old. (Genesis 18:4) The angel’s comment was so outrageous to his wife Sarah that she burst out in laughter. But God was faithful to his word, and nine months later, a baby boy was born.

Now here’s where the faith comes in. Most of us could wait nine months for God’s promise to be fulfilled. Besides, after a little while, things would become evident that Sarah was pregnant. However, the time between the original promise and its fulfillment was 25 years.

I don’t know about you, but that’s a long time to hold onto a promise. Abraham took God at His word and waiting 25 years to see it completed.

Don’t Give Up To Soon

I have a feeling that many of us give up too soon on the promises of God. We claim a verse and expect God to move. We pray and expect the answer on our doorstep the next morning.

Faith believes that what God has said, He will do. When God makes a promise, He is faithful to fulfill that promise. God’s word and His character are connected. He must keep His word. Faith holds onto that promise until it is seen.

The more you trust God, the stronger your faith grows. God always fulfills His promise, but it is always on His timetable.

In Abraham’s case, he held onto that promise for 25 years. He was “fully assured” that God was going to bring about what He had promised. Through the years, he did not waver but held strong in faith. He knew God would fulfill His word.

How long are you willing to hold onto a promise? Do you give up too soon? Does your faith waver after a few weeks?

Don’t give up. God will fulfill every promise He has made to you. Stand in faith and don’t waver.

Look at that promise again.

Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness. – Romans 4:20-22

Make these confessions.

  • What God has promised He will do.
  • I will hold onto God’s promise until I see it fulfilled.
  • I will trust in God’s timetable, not my own.
  • I know God is willing and able to do what He promised.

In Jesus name,

God is faithful to fulfill every promise He makes. It’s not always on your timetable, but it is always for your good.

If you have gone through Praying for Him or Praying for Her, have you continued the habit of praying for them daily? 

We have two programs that extend Praying for Her and Praying for Him for an entire year. You can receive a reminder in your inbox to pray for your spouse every day. Guys, go to and Ladies to go Click on Keep it Going on the top right hand to sign up or for more information.

What promise are you holding onto today? (Share in the comments below)


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One Comment

  1. Michael November 9, 2021 at 10:36 am - Reply

    I pray that my wife is finally in heaven and doesn’t have the pain that she endured the last 5 years. I know that God has made her whole and her smile lights up my heart. Thank you Lord for my angel ❤️

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