Today’s Promise

April 27, 2022

I Will Pour My Mercy on You

He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
Titus 3:5

Good News and Bad

I’ve got some good news and bad news for you. First, here’s the bad news.

The bad news is that there is nothing you can do to make you good enough for God to love you. So many people go through life hoping they can be good enough for God. The truth is that even if you try your best, you will still fall short of being good enough for God.

The good news is it doesn’t matter. Your goodness has nothing to do with God’s love for you. This promise reminds you that you are saved, not because of your good deeds but because God is merciful.

Mercy is not getting what you deserve. You don’t deserve to be a child of God. You don’t deserve to be loved by God. You deserve separation from God for eternity, but God’s mercy reaches beyond what you deserve and loves you anyway.

God’s Mercy

As a result of His mercy, two things have happened to you.

First, you have been reborn. The Bible says you were born into sin. Your very nature was in rebellion to God. But through faith in Christ, you are reborn as a child of God. Your sin is forgiven, and in Christ, you were born again.

Second, you are made new. The Holy Spirit is renewing your mind and your heart. Your very nature is being changed into the likeness of Christ. God is renewing your mind through His Word and making you more and more like Jesus.

Salvation is not about what you have done or what you deserve. It is about what Christ has done and how He is working in you.

Look at that promise one more time.

He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. – Titus 3:5

Make these Confessions.

  • I can never be good enough for God.
  • God pours His mercy on me.
  • Because of God’s mercy, I am loved.
  • Through faith, I have been reborn in Christ.
  • Jesus is renewing my mind and heart to be like Him.

In Jesus’ Name,

You can never be good enough for God. Thankfully, because of His mercy, He loves you. You are a new person in Christ. The Holy Spirit is renewing your heart and mind to be like Jesus.

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How have you seen God pour His mercy on you? (Share your thoughts in the comments below)

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One Comment

  1. Sameer Suresh Wadekar April 28, 2022 at 1:38 am - Reply

    God chose me inspite of my sins and sinful nature. He loves me and continues to show mercy on me.
    Thank You Lord.Thank You. Thank You ou.Thank You.

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