Today’s Promise

October 19, 2022

God is Near the Brokenhearted

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Sometimes a hurt can run so deep that it breaks your heart and crushes your spirit. Sadness seems to fill every part of your life. However, in Christ, there is hope for the hurting.

God Will Draw Near

When life has thrown you a knockout punch, God will draw you near. When you feel crushed by the things you have experienced, God will save you from hopelessness.

Being brokenhearted is more than having your high school boy or girlfriend break up with you. The brokenhearted are those who have suffered a hurt of such magnitude that it has left them debilitated. Their sorrow and pain are so intense they have difficulty moving forward. 

We’ve All Been Brokenhearted

Most of us, at some time in life, have been brokenhearted. It may have been through a lost relationship, a moral failure, or financial ruin. It may have been the loss of a loved one or some other painful event. Whatever the case, when you are brokenhearted, your spirit is crushed, and all your dreams are shattered.

During these times, God comes and draws you near. He will draw near to you like a loving parent who picks up their child and holds them close.

God is Compassionate

The God you serve is compassionate. The word compassion shows up 98 times in the Bible. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus was moved with compassion as He saw the hurting and sick. Jesus did more than empathize with their pain. When he saw the hurting, he took action. Jesus healed the blind, restored useless legs, and fed the hungry. He even raised a dead boy right in the middle of the funeral. 

The compassion of Christ moved Him to relieve the pain of the people He encountered. 

If you are brokenhearted today, Jesus is close. The Holy Spirit will minister peace and healing to your soul. Too often, we pull away from God when we experience sorrow or pain. Instead, why not run into the arms of the one who loves you more than you can imagine? Jesus never turned away anyone who came to Him hurting; He will welcome you as well.

Look at that promise again.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18

Make these confessions.

  • When I am brokenhearted, God draws me close.
  • In my sadness, God pours His love and compassion over me.
  • When I come to Jesus, He never turns me away.
  • In my pain, God brings healing and restores my hope.

In Jesus’ name,

In your pain, call out to Jesus. When you are brokenhearted, God draws you close, bringing healing to your heart and hope for tomorrow. 

October is pastor appreciation month. You can show your appreciation and thankfulness to your pastor by praying for him daily. Praying for Pastors will help you pray for your pastor. You will learn how to pray for him, his family, and his ministry. When you sign up, you will receive a daily email with a scripture, topic, and even a sample prayer to help get you started. To sign up for free, go to

How has God been with you when you were brokenhearted?
Is you are struggling right now, let us know so we can pray for you. 
(Share your thoughts in the comment section below).

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  1. Wendy Sanchez October 19, 2022 at 5:09 am - Reply

    Yes I a m brokenhearted as I have see the Lord drawing near providing everything I need and bringing healing. A year ago I was leaving my dream working in ministry for the Lord in mission preaching the word pastoring a Church along with my former husband who was appointed pastor. However
    after a horrible discovery of betrayal from my former husband, facing the truth of a hidden sin, darkness a be d sadness came in along facing the situation and deciding to flee away for safety of my son and I. God has being faithful and he has showed me his light in the middle of sadness and darkness. I praise my Lord because he is good at all times. Please pray for God’s justice, mercy facing custody hearing and PFA hearing. God’s protection and provision to pay for lawyer appointed for the vase. Pray that God will touch the lawyer’s heart and she will do o pro bono. God bless!

  2. Sameer October 19, 2022 at 10:38 am - Reply

    God has always been my hope all through my failures. He never let me deviate from my faith in Him. I believe and pray He would bless my wife,Seema conceive and bless us with a baby despite our age. I pray he mends my broken relations with my mother and brother and helps me gain financial freedom with the right vocation ?

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