April 8, 2019

Today’s Promise

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Are you anxious today? This is a great promise for you.

We all have worries, cares, and concerns. Sometimes life is hard. Every day, you have a choice. You can walk around worried and anxious, or you can turn your cares over to the Lord.

God loves and cares for you so much, and He invites you to place all your cares and concerns on Him.

God takes great pride in the humble. The verse right before this promise instructs you to humble yourself so He can exalt you.

The humble person turns everything over to the Lord. The word “cast” here means to throw onto something or someone. It’s the picture of the person confessing they aren’t good enough, strong enough, or smart enough to carry their struggles, so they throw them on Jesus.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus stands before the people and says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He invited those who were tired of carrying their own burdens to come throw them on Him.

A proud person carries their own problems and worries. They come to God only when they feel overwhelmed. The humble bring everything to the Lord because they know they can’t handle it themselves.

The reason you can confidently throw your cares on Christ is that He cares for you. You matter to God. He is ready and willing to take on your anxious concerns.

When you place your cares on Christ, you find new courage to face your concerns. You receive wisdom for what you need to do about the problem. God gives you new strength and faith to face your problems with complete dependence on God.

How many cares, worries, and burdens are you carrying today? Wouldn’t you like to cast them on Him? He does care for you.

Look at that promise again.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7

Confess this with me.

Today I cast all my cares on Christ
I humble myself and place my trust in Him
I know He will carry my burdens
Because He cares for me.

In Jesus Name,

When you cast all your anxieties on the Lord, you will find new strength, confidence, and faith as you trust the Lord’s goodness to bring you through.

If you someone to stand with you in your struggle, let me encourage you to post a prayer request on our prayer wall at nationalprayerroom.com There you will find people who will pray for you and stand with you.

Thanks for being part of the Daily Promise family.

What are the anxieties you are struggling with today? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Monica April 8, 2019 at 3:27 am - Reply

    When I pray I ask God for big things thinking that He does not care about small things that matter to me. This verse has been my strength throughout. I now know that God cares about the little and big things that I care about. Nowadys when I pray asking for something, I also give details so that God gives me exactly the way I asked, not forgetting that He knows me better and will only give me that which He has prepared for me

  2. Mel April 8, 2019 at 6:14 am - Reply

    I trust in the Lord that my children (4.5 & 6yrs old) are surrounded by a wall of fire and God’s angels at all times and in all places when they are with their father who is addicted to alcohol. No joke, my youngest rang me at 9.50pm 2 nights ago and when I spoke to my ex he was slurring his words. This is a constant issue that I worry about when they are under his care. If you ask me that really is irresponsible parenting. What if he had to drive? He wouldn’t be able to. Hence why I left him. I just pray that my children will always walk on the paths of righteousness and they can distinguish between light and dark and they will be the salt and light all the days of their lives. I pray the spirit of addiction be broken from him and never to return to him.

    • Patience April 9, 2019 at 1:56 am - Reply

      My heart aches for you. My husband is an alcoholic. He has been for years. We have an 11 daughter and a 14 year old son who have been in this environment for years. My husband was in denial and always thought he could control it and he tried and believed the lies he told himself when he cut back. I lived in fear constantly for the safety of us all when he was behind the wheel. He finally went to rehab 6 weeks ago when the bottom fell out. Please hear me when I tell you- go to an ALANON meeting today- for yourself!!! I didn’t start going until he left for rehab but I wish I had been going all along the years past. You will find support from people who have been, and are exactly where you are now. This past Thursday I went up for the family program that the rehab facility held. Not only did I learn both the scientific information about the disease I learned about how it effects the entire family. I learned more about myself and how I had lost myself in dealing with this disease. Now I know what to do going forward.
      He returned home and is committed to going to AA meetings and doing the 12 steps. So he goes to his meetings and I go to mine and soon we will have our oldest go to ALATEEN so he too can have a safe and supportive group to help him process how this disease has effected him and learn how to deal with this disease going forward while his father is in recovery… because he will be in recovery for the rest of his life. We all will be. And I want us all to have the knowledge and support of how we each can do that so that we can live life healthy and with joy, even on bad days. My prayers are with you.

  3. Tracy Parejo April 8, 2019 at 8:27 am - Reply

    I pray that God would heal my broken soul. As much as I try to do my best the stress keeps coming stronger. I pray that my manager accepts my request to work from home and if not lay me off and gave me my money that he owes me. That my children would have faith in me and my husband would not sleep every day until 2 pm.

  4. Debra Prentiss April 8, 2019 at 10:29 am - Reply

    AMEN THIS PROMISE reach out to me like a ton of bricks today.trusting yourself and the decision you make as a parent is a very find line .you always want to do right by your child, help them to be responsible young adults..I think putting trust in God and pray alot for his guidence will get u threw. family suport will help a young parent get threw the frustration of parenting.

  5. Julia April 8, 2019 at 12:02 pm - Reply

    We have begun a new business venture and my cares are lack of qualified Human Resources and lack of financial resources.

  6. Rosemary Nekesa April 8, 2019 at 8:30 pm - Reply

    I pray and trust God to lift off my financial burden.

    My daughter to go and study her PHD.

    My son to turn completely to God

  7. Brian April 9, 2019 at 7:06 am - Reply

    I need prayers of deliverance please please and for God to order my steps

    • Billy Taylor April 9, 2019 at 9:23 am - Reply

      I am praying for you today. God’s power and strength is great than anything that might come against you.

  8. Valerie Watkins April 9, 2019 at 9:44 am - Reply

    Good Morning I ask for prayer for my FAMILY I feel there is a generational curse is upon us there is differences made with in the FAMILY among my siblings ,our children and grandchildren and GREAT GREAT grandchildren this is a issue that has been taught from my mother and it is going on on I LOVE MY MOTHER but she does not accept the part she plays in this I am hurting behind it and everyone seems to think it’s ok I PRAY IN THE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST that this GENERATION EVIL SPRIT BE REMOVED AND I THANK GOD IN ADVANCE. VALERIE

  9. bettye Williams April 15, 2019 at 10:49 am - Reply

    I am just catching up on the daily promises I had a hard week my best friend suddenly went to be with the Lord. I was the victim of a scam the next day lost all of my money I feel so bad about it don’t understand how I let it happen. this promise has really help me thank you enjoy the blessings of the Lord today

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