July 12, 2019
Today’s Promise
I Worship in Spirit and Truth
John 4:23
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
God has given you a unique standing when it comes to worship.
Like no other creature in all creation, you can worship God in spirit and in truth.
The angels and all creation can worship God, but as a follower of Christ, you bring a special type of worship that God seeks. Jesus says there are two essential qualities when it comes to God-pleasing worship.
Real worship is spirit based.
Religion is all about the activity of worship. True worship is more spiritual than it is physical; it’s all about the heart. God-pleasing worship isn’t about music, or hands raised. It isn’t about style, standing, or sitting. God-pleasing worship is the grateful heart of the believer expressing thankfulness to the loving heavenly Father.
Real Worship is truth based.
Honesty is the beginning point of God-pleasing worship. It’s not about performance or ritual, but about a heartfelt expression of praise. A person with an ungrateful or bitter heart will never be a true worshipper. Your heart must be clean and honest before the Lord before you begin to worship.
Look at this promise once again.
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. – John 4:23
Make this declaration.
I worship God in spirit and truth.
I gratefully express my thanks and praise to Him.
My worship always begins in my heart.
God loves it when I worship him in honesty and with a pure heart.
In Jesus Name,
What type of worshipper are you?
Today, spend some time worshipping and thanking the Lord for all the blessings He has poured into your life. Don’t worry about how to worship or if you are doing it right. Just focus on lifting your praise and thanksgiving from a genuine, thankful heart. That is the worship that pleases the Father.
Ladies, join women from around the world learning to pray for their husband effectively. You receive a free 31-day prayer guide at www.prayingforhim.com