September 18, 2019

Today’s Promise

God Carries Me in His Arms

Isaiah 40:10

He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.

Yesterday, we reached a major milestone. The Daily Promise has been listened to over 50,000 times in 144 countries. Thank you for helping the Daily Promise encourage Christians around the world. If you haven’t tried listening, click the button above and give it a listen.

We are His Sheep

One of the most consistent pictures of our relationship with God is that of the shepherd and his sheep. Jesus called himself the “good” shepherd. As the good shepherd, He is always caring for us His sheep. He knows His sheep by name, and they hear His voice. He was even willing laid down His life for You, His sheep.

Jesus cares for you the way a good shepherd cares for His sheep. Psalm 23:2 says he leads His sheep to green pastures and places of rest. As the Good Shepherd, God is your provider and protector. 

As your good shepherd, He also carries you in His arms.

he shepherd carries the old sheep on His shoulders. It’s not the most comfortable place for the sheep having your legs held together and your head left to bobble around.

When the shepherd needs to carry a weak, sick, or young sheep;0 He carries it in his arms close to his chest. The sheep can rest its head against the shepherd. It’s a place of security and rest.

On your weakest days, when you are struggling or hurting, Jesus comes along, picks you up and carries you close to His heart. He watches over you with tender care.

Finally, your good shepherd gently leads you.

Like all sheep, it’s easy to get distracted and wander away from the right path. In those times, Jesus comes along and gently guides you back to where you need to be. 

Look at that promise again.

He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young. – Isaiah 40:11

Make this confession.

Jesus is my great shepherd.
When I am weak, he carries me close to His heart.
He provides for my every need.
He gently leads me on the path I need to follow.

In Jesus name,

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One Comment

  1. Douglas Avery Brown September 18, 2019 at 12:45 pm - Reply

    Thank you Bro. Billy!!¡! Such a blessing to just listen to your audio!!

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