October 4, 2019

Today’s Promise

The Lord is Good

Nahum 1:7

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. 

Nahum is an old testament book that even the most well-versed bible student has spent very little time reading. This little book is only three chapters long, and its focus is the judgment coming to the town of Nineveh. The book opens with a description of the awesomeness of God.

Seven verses in, this wonderful promise shows up. In this verse, are there simple but essential promises.

1. God is Good.

That may sound way too obvious, but when life is not treating you well, you can often doubt God’s goodness. Satan has always attacked God’s goodness. His first temptation to Eve was that God was holding out on her. He whispers in our ear, “How can a good God allow all these bad things to happen?” The heart of the Gospel is that God is good and that he cares for you and me.

2. God is our stronghold.

The Bible never promised a life free from problems. Often, scripture assumes there will be times of trouble. In your day of difficulty, whatever it may be, you have a stronghold. A stronghold is a fortress of protection and safety. You are not alone when you face problems and troubles.

3. God knows you are His.

You are not forgotten. No matter what you are facing today, God has not forgotten about you. Jesus said He knows each of his sheep by name. 2 Timothy 2:19 says that God knows those that are His. Even in the hard times, God has not forgotten you. His goodness is working in your life today.


When things are going well; God is good.
When things aren’t going well; God is still good.
Amid your trouble, you have a refuge and stronghold.
When you feel like everyone has forgotten you, God still knows your name.

Look at that promise once again.

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. – Nahum 1:7

Make this confession.

In good times and bad; God is good.
Even when I don’t understand; God is good.
When problems come; I run to God my stronghold.
When everyone else has forgotten me; God knows my name.

In Jesus Name.

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