November 14, 2019

Today’s Promise

When I Seek God, I Find Him

Jermiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Have you ever played hide and seek?

Of course, you have! When my children were younger, they used to love to play that little game. I would hide, then they would try and find me. Sometimes I would hide a little too well, so I had to give them some hinds like a cough or make a sound just at the right moment. They would hear me and their energy would be renewed. Soon the hunt was on again. When they found me, everyone would scream and laugh. My goal wasn’t to hide but to be found. I wanted my children to find me.

God doesn’t hide from you.

He isn’t avoiding you. He desires to be found by you. Here is the heart of this promise; seeking God always results in finding Him. No matter where you are in your walk with God, there is more to be discovered.

You will never plumb the depths of His love, presence, or compassion for you. As you seek after Him, He will reveal Himself to you at a deeper level. The more you seek Him, the more you will know Him, and the more you know Him the greater his power and presence will be released in your life.

At the same time, half-hearted or part-time seeking won’t bring you much success.

God promises he will be found when you seek Him with all your heart. When seeking after God’s heart becomes the focus of your spiritual life, you will find Him. When you find Him, you find everything you need.

This promise assures you that what you seek after God, you will find Him. He will show Himself to you. He won’t frustrate you by hiding where you can’t find Him.

Look at this promise again.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13

Confess this with me.

God is not hiding from me.
When I seek Him, I find Him.
He reveals Himself to me when I seek Him with all my heart.
I am seeking Him today, so I can know and enjoy Him more.

In Jesus Name,

You have the assurance today that when you seek after the Lord, He will show Himself to you.

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  1. Judith. Nadunga November 14, 2019 at 3:54 am - Reply

    Lord as l seek you let me find you my Father my maker the Lover of my soul ,the giver of my Life

    Thanks for posting sir and for always uplifting my soul
    God’s richest blessings upon you and your entire household and ministry.

  2. Keitiretse Kalstveit November 14, 2019 at 7:13 pm - Reply

    Lord Almighty, You know my heart, I try to seek You, but I feel I don’t manage to find You. I know You are just waiting for me to seek You with my whole heart.
    Thank You man of God for encouragement. Be blessed, you and your family in Jesus mighty

  3. Chris Randall November 15, 2019 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Though I grew up in in an unchurched home, by God’s grace and mercy I found myself seeking him from an early age. Opportunistically at first, diligently as the years passed. When at last, in desperation, I gave up seeking him in my own power, surrendered, and confessed my brokenness, He came to me as my loving Father.

    Since that time 40 years ago I’ve been convinced of the truth of Jeremiah 29:13 and have offered the verse as encouragement for all who yearn to fill the void we all feel in this fallen world.

    • Billy Taylor November 15, 2019 at 5:06 pm - Reply

      Hey Chris, thanks for sharing. It’s a powerful promise.

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