January 22, 2020
Today’s Promise
He is My Lamp and Light
2 Samuel 22:29
For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness.
In this chapter, King David reviews how faithful and good God has been to him.
David declares that God is His lamp. A burning lamp was the symbol of lasting happiness and strength. The lamp provided consistent light. It was not a one-time fire, but a constant source of illumination. When God is your lamp, His goodness brings happiness and strength throughout your life.
Here are three things the Lamp of God brings into your life.
The Lamp of God brings Clarity
Isn’t it amazing how just a little bit of light can bring so much Clarity? As I have grown a little older, I need more light to read. That fine print on menus seems to be a lot smaller than it used to be. I have to move it closer to the light to read it. Could you use a little more Clarity? You need the Lamp of God to help you see life more clearly.
The Lamp of God Removes Fear
Scary things happen in the dark. The lamp of God’s goodness scares away the darkness and removes fear. Have you ever been startled by a shadow in the dark of night? You turn the light on and realize what you thought was a stranger sitting in your room was just a shirt laid over the back of a chair. In our world filled with bad news, you need the light of God’s lamp to stand against the fear and darkness the surrounds you.
The Lamp of God Helps Avoid Danger
It’s dangerous to walk around at night without a light. Without a lamb, you can trip and fall, step on a sharp object, or even fall into a hole. With God as your lamb, you can avoid the dangerous pitfalls that trip up so many people. God’s light will protect you through the darkest of nights.
The second phase could be said this way. “My God is the one who turns my darkness into light.”
What better description of the God you serve? He started creation by saying, “let the be light” and continues to bring light into your life.
He can turn your darkest days into days of hope and joy. When you are confused and unclear about your next step, God brings light into the decision.
When your heart is filled with the darkness of sin, He comes along and brings the light of His love into your life.
Look at this promise once again.
For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. – 2 Samuel 22:29
Confess this with me.
- God is my lamp
- He is bringing Clarity, protection, and guidance to me today
- As I walk in His light, my fear is removed.
- His light will keep me from stumbling.
- God turns my darkness into light.
In Jesus Name,
Your God is the lamp that turns your darkness into the light.
How has God been your light? Let me know in the comments below.
I’ve been sleeping in the dark for sometime until now..
Like a kid scared of the dark, i had night lights or candles all around me to avoid bumping into walls or walking on objects. This early morning I realize that God is my light and i don’t need the night lights all around me because with him being my lamp, he lights up every room and walk way to see where I’m going.
Gina, thank you for sharing.
Awesome message that reminds us that we need Gods light in this dark world!
I can see the Light, in the darkness, as the darkness bows to Him, amen!