Today’s Promise

August 24, 2023

Focus on the Good and Positive

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

Focus Your Mind

Today, we are looking at how we should be thinking. God calls us to focus our minds on good, positive, and faith-instilling thoughts.

How you think affects every area of your life. You become a negative person if you allow negative thoughts to fill your mind. You become a positive person if you fill your mind with positive thoughts. This promise invites you to focus your mind on the good and positive things in life.

Paul encourages us to think about the positive. 

Avoid the Negative

Our world is filled with negative messages and media. If you aren’t careful, just watching the evening news can convince you that the world is falling apart around you. So many people live in fear and worry because they focus on the wrong things.

You have a choice on where you set your mind. You can focus on the negative or good things God brings into your life. You can be anxious or turn everything over to the Lord. You can spend time worrying about the future or trusting that your Heavenly Father will care for you.

Focus on the Lord

Now, I’m not just talking about positive thinking. I am talking about focusing on the Lord Jesus. He is the One who is trustworthy, honorable, just, pure, and lovely.

Your faith grows as you focus on the Lord’s goodness and promises. Your faith is weakened by allowing fear, worry, and negative thinking to fill your mind. Faith and fear cannot exist in your mind at the same time.

God empowers you today to be a positive influence to your family, your career, and the world around you. Be the positive influence that points people to the goodness of God.

Look at that promise again.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. – Philippians 4:8

Make these confessions.

  • Today, I set my mind on the goodness of God.
  • I refuse to be negative, fearful, or worrisome.
  • I am a positive influence on the world around me.
  • The blessings of God are pouring over me today.

In Jesus’ Name,

Today, focus your thoughts on the good things of God. When negative thoughts enter your mind, refocus them on the goodness of God.

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Are you thinking on the positive or negative today? (Share your answer in the comment section below).

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  1. Sarah Moorgasen August 24, 2023 at 4:27 am - Reply

    I always feel tired and depressed. I’m so tired of every one depending on me but no one does anything for me. I know by doing for others that God will bless me but these people are so ungrateful at times and when I help I do see God’s blessings and favor on my life. These people I’m talking about is my own siblings and parents. I feel they only want to know me when they need something. I’m also a diabetic.. I reached 49years old recently and I’m going through menopause. My blood sugar is most of the time uncontrolled. I’m so tired. My job as a nurse is so tiring. Working long hours, I feel so exhausted. On my days off I try to catch up on my self and housework and my girls and my husband. But my parents and siblings also need me.. I can’t cope anymore yet I know only I can help them, cos there was a time I could cope with everything . Please encourage me what to do. 😕

    • Monica August 27, 2023 at 7:27 am - Reply

      Sarah, I am also a caregiver and diabetic! It’s a heavy load some days. I encourage you to find time every day to care for yourself. Take your meds, eat well, exercise, attend your doctor visits. You say that you’re the only one who can care for your parents and siblings. That’s not true. Set boundaries and allow them to take some responsibility for themselves. Seek out external support in your community. It is true, however, that you’re the only one who can take care of yourself! And you deserve peace, rest and balance! I am praying that God will reveal to you the steps you should take and that you will find the strength to make what may be hard decisions. I know He will and I know you can! Peace and blessings to you, sis!

  2. Omer Hughes August 24, 2023 at 7:34 am - Reply

    Dear Lord l pray for Sarah. Be with her and encourage her Amen

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