Today’s Promise

July 5, 2024

God Freely Gives Wisdom

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5

Wisdom vs Knowledge

Today, we are talking about God-given wisdom.

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is all about the facts; wisdom is about what you do with the facts. Wisdom is about how you live and the choices you make.

Our world is drowning in knowledge. You can find the answer to almost any question or problem in the palm of your hand. Every 13 months, human knowledge is doubling. In comparison, back in 1900, knowledge doubled every 100 years. The average person receives 174 newspapers worth of information every day.

We know more, but are we living any better? Are we making better choices? Are we living wisely?

You Need Wisdom

God’s wisdom helps you understand the world around you so you can live successfully.

You need God’s wisdom so you can use the skills and knowledge He has given you. Wisdom empowers knowledge. With wisdom, you are more effective and productive. Wisdom shows you how to apply the knowledge you have.

You need God’s wisdom so you don’t waste opportunities He brings into your life. Wisdom knows how to take advantage of situations that open new doors for success, promotion, and fulfillment.

You need God’s wisdom in difficult times. When you are under pressure or stress, you need God’s wisdom more than ever. Making the wrong hasty decision during difficult times is easy. God’s wisdom helps you choose wisely. When you are going through difficult times, the best thing you can do is ask for wisdom.

You need wisdom when making hard decisions. When you face an important decision, ask God for direction and wisdom. His wisdom will give you clarity in making the right choice.

God Gives Wisdom

God promises wisdom to everyone who asks. He gives wisdom freely and generously. You can ask God for wisdom and know He will give it to you freely.

Let’s review that verse once more.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. – James 1:5

Make these confessions.

  • I have wisdom that comes only from God.
  • When I ask, He gives me wisdom freely and generously.
  • I ask God for wisdom when I need direction or clarity.
  • As I ask for wisdom, God always gives it to me.
  • God’s wisdom helps me make wise choices that bring about success.

In Jesus Name,

Just as God blessed King Solomon for asking for wisdom, God will give you wisdom today as you ask Him.

Ladies, did you know I have a program that will help you pray for your husband daily? In Praying For Him, you will receive a daily reminder with a scripture to claim and even a sample prayer to help get you started. You can sign up for free at

Share a time when you needed wisdom and God gave it to you? (Post your answer in the comment section)

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One Comment

  1. Kier S July 5, 2024 at 8:10 am - Reply

    It’s hard to say when God gave me wisdom, because I am often praying for it 😉 Generally, if a decision looks wise in retrospect, it is because I followed His wisdom, and if it doesn’t look wise, I did not.

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