Today’s Promise

July 2, 2024

God is Working for You

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
Romans 8:31

Do you ever feel like the world is working against you? I’ve got good news. God is on your side; there’s no need to worry.

When the World is Against You

Some days, it feels like everyone is against you. From the traffic as you drive to work to your boss and even the guy taking your lunch order. No matter where you turn, it seems like people are making your life harder. At one time or another, we’ve all said, “Come on, give me a break!” When the world is working against you, there is one who is always on your side.

When you face a rough day or a challenging problem, it’s easy to forget that God is on your side. Imagine the God of the universe standing beside you as you face any and every problem. How can you possibly be afraid with the Lord Jesus standing by your side? 

God is for You

If you took this promise to heart, would you have the courage to make a stand against Satan’s attack? Would you make more significant prayer requests if you truly believe that God was for you? Would you face your problems and difficulties with new faith knowing God was for you?

The God who freely gave His only Son is the God who stands beside you in every situation.

Who Can be Against You

If God is on your side, who can possibly stand against you?

  • David had God on his side, and he defeated the giant.
  • The Children of God had God on their side, and they saw the walls of Jericho fall.
  • Peter had God on his side, and an angel opened the jail cell doors and set him free.

God is on your side today. If God is for you, who can be against you?

Look at that promise again.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? – Romans 8:31

Make these confessions

  • God is for me.
  • I will not fear because I know God is walking with me.
  • Today, I stand with confidence, knowing God is on my side.
  • I am tearing down walls, defeating giants, and living in freedom because God is with me. 

In Jesus’ name,

You can face your greatest challenges and fears because God is on your side. 

Did you know you can learn how to pray daily and effectively for your spouse? “Praying for Her” teaches husbands how to pray for their wives, and” Praying for Him” teaches wives how to pray for their husbands. Both programs are free; you can sign up at and Join over 57,000 husbands and wives who have learned to pray for their spouses through these two programs.

What does it mean to you knowing God is on your side? (Share your story in the comment section below.)

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  1. Karen July 2, 2024 at 5:34 am - Reply

    It means everything. Knowing he is by my side to protect me and guide me and lead me down right path and working everything out for my good 🙏

  2. Christl Ramsundar July 2, 2024 at 6:30 am - Reply

    WOW! Knowing that the GOD of the universe is on my side means everything to me. HE Loves me without Measure, HE comforts me, HE protects me, HE guides me. MY LORD JESUS IS EVERYTHING TO ME. HE IS AMAZING, WONDERFUL, THERE IS NONE NO NONE LIKE HIM. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!

  3. Travis Johnson July 2, 2024 at 8:55 am - Reply

    God of the universe defeat the giants in my life, bring down the walls. open the barred doors, please.

  4. Perre July 2, 2024 at 8:56 am - Reply

    I know He woke me up this morning to follow Him all day. This is a new day for me! With God on my side how can I help but win. How can I help but break through the strongholds and walk with Him forever. To God be the Glory!!

  5. Omer July 2, 2024 at 9:14 am - Reply

    Amen to that if God is on your side you have no worries or fears.👍😇🙏

  6. Sameer Suresh Wadekar July 2, 2024 at 2:24 pm - Reply

    It means everything to me. I will not be without Him. He is my fortress, He is my protector. His divine Love, Grace, Mercy, Compassion helps me sail through this journey called Life. Since God is with me always I need not fear anything or anybody. Thank You God.

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