Today’s Promise
April 18, 2023
God Makes Your Sin White as Snow
Audio PlayerCome now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1:18
Bring Your Sin to God
So often, when we sin, we run or hide from God. However, He invites us to bring our sins to Him and find forgiveness and cleansing.
This promise is contrary to our thinking. It’s an invitation to bring your sins to God. God is the last person you want to speak to when you sin. So often, you hide from God when you sin. Because of your sin, you feel guilty and afraid. Because of your sin, you feel ashamed and want to hide from God.
Yet, even in your sin, God invites you to come and fellowship with Him. It’s as if God says, “Let’s get together and talk about this sin thing. I have a solution for your sin. There is nothing you have done that I haven’t dealt with before.”
God knows your guilt and shame but invites you to come and experience forgiveness. You can carry your sin or accept God’s forgiveness and cleansing.
I love the comparison He makes in the second part of this promise. God uses two colors to describe your sin: scarlet and crimson. These two colors represent the deep reds used to dye and stain cloth. Sin stains your heart and your spirit. Only God can take a stained heart and clean it.
White as Snow
This promise uses another picture to describe God’s forgiveness – snow. There are few things more beautiful and as white as freshly fallen snow. When the sun shines on fresh snow, it’s almost blinding. God promises that your heart which was once dark with the stains of sin, can be made as clean and white as freshly fallen snow.
Through the blood of Christ, God invites you to live in the forgiveness of His love. Your heart is purified, cleansed, and restored as you come to Him.
Look at that promise again.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. – Isaiah 1:18
Make these confessions.
- God invites me to bring my sin to Him.
- As I come to God, I find cleansing of my sin.
- God forgives my sin and makes my heart pure again.
- No matter how dark my sin is, God can make it as white as snow.
In Jesus’ Name,
Instead of running from God when you sin, come to Him with your sin. He will forgive your sin and cleanse your heart.
Every so often, God opens a door you just can’t pass. A few weeks ago, I learned of a village in Uganda without access to clean water. Because of that, Typhoid had a constant presence in the community. They began digging a well but didn’t have the funds to complete it. God spoke to me about helping this community. With the help of some friends at my church, we completed the well and purchased a pump. Now this community has fresh water. Even before the well was complete, people were lined up with buckets and containers. If you are a support partner of this ministry, thank you for providing fresh, clean water to a community in Uganda. If you would like to support this ministry, go to to make your gift.
When you sin, do your run to God or from God? (Share your story in the comment section below)