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July 9, 2021

Today’s Promise

God Removes My Bitterness

Hebrews 12:15

See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled.

People Will Let You Down

You can’t travel through life without experiencing hurt or disappointment. People are going to let you down, and you will make decisions you regret.

If you aren’t careful, those hurts and disappointments can take hold of your heart. Unforgiveness always leads to bitterness. This verse describes bitterness as the root of a plant growing deep into your heart. Once that root of bitterness takes hold, it grows and flourishes.

Bitterness & Forgiveness

When you don’t deal with bitterness, it always causes trouble. How many unhappy, bitter people do you know who have never dealt with hurt or disappointment in their past? 

You remove the root of bitterness through forgiveness. For most of us, that is easier said than done. Only through the grace of God can you truly forgive others and yourself. It was God’s grace that forgave all your sin. It was his grace that brought restoration to your soul. Through His grace in you, you can forgive others for the hurt they have caused and forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Sometimes, the hardest person to forgive is yourself. To release this true forgiveness, you need the grace of God He has already provided.

As you show others the same grace and forgiveness Christ gives you, you will find those roots of bitterness wither and die. It takes time, but as you release forgiveness through God’s grace, you will find new freedom, joy, and happiness.

Let’s review that promise again.

See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled. – Hebrews 12:15

Make these confessions.

  • With God’s grace – I will not allow bitterness to take hold of me.
  • With God’s grace – I forgive others the way Christ forgives me.
  • With God’s grace – I forgive my mistakes in the past.
  • With God’s grace – I’m pulling up every root of bitterness growing in my heart.

In Jesus Name,

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Are you releasing forgiveness and tearing out bitterness? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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  1. Celine July 9, 2021 at 7:18 am - Reply

    Sure, I am relieving bitterness and forgiveness, I refuse to imprisoned myself, I refuse to chained myself, and I forgive myself too by the grace of God I have learned not to take to heart any wrong or hurt done to me I am striving for heaven which is my goal. satan you cannot hold me any longer i know the truth now.

  2. Dee July 9, 2021 at 8:17 am - Reply

    Yes I need so much of God’s Grace to forgive because I didn’t address this issue for years; I just stuffed it. Show me and help me Lord God how to truly forgive so I can be set free for Your Glory!

  3. Misty Long July 9, 2021 at 11:51 am - Reply

    Working on this one. Hard for sure but will practice daily by making those confessions in Jesus Name.

    • Billy Taylor July 9, 2021 at 2:08 pm - Reply

      Keep at it Misty. Remember, what God has commanded you to do, He has already enabled and empowered you to accomplish it. – Billy

      • Lisa July 11, 2021 at 11:59 am - Reply

        Thank you Billy. This is a very important message to hold close. Sometimes I forget this.

  4. virginia July 9, 2021 at 3:27 pm - Reply


  5. Bill July 9, 2021 at 4:44 pm - Reply

    Amen to we need this!!!
    So sad to see just in my own life where I have failed being bitter. Need to pay attention to those little things that can creep into our hearts. Thank you Jesus for your promise to never leave us or forsake us and to give us strength when we are weak. ???

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