Today’s Promise

June 7, 2024

God Will Lead and Direct You

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel.
Psalm 32:8

Have you ever felt like you needed direction and wisdom from the Lord? Have you ever felt like you needed clarity in the decision you are about to make? If so, today’s promise is for you.

God Will Show You the Way

Sometimes you come to a fork in the road and you aren’t sure which way to go. God promises to give you clarity and to show you the way.

As a Christian, you don’t have to live hoping to make the right choices and do the right things. God promises to teach, guide, and counsel you in how you should live.

As a child of God, you have the Holy Spirit living in you. God gave you the Holy Spirit to teach and lead you. 

Do You Need…

Do you need wisdom on how to address a specific issue or problem? Ask God, and He promises to show you. 

Do you need to know which way to go in your career or a relationship? Ask God, and he will direct you.

Do you need understanding or clarity? Just ask the Lord, and He will instruct you. 

God Will Guide You

God promises to guide you with His loving eyes. 

Learning to hear God’s voice and sense His leadership takes practice. To hear God’s voice, you have to be listening for His voice. For God to lead you with His eyes, you must be seeking His face. Only as you stay close to God can He lead and direct you. 

Many of us wait until we face a major decision before seeking God’s leadership. We want to hear from God when we buy a house, choose a career, or decide whom we should marry.

However, how can you expect to hear from God when you face a big decision if you have ignored Him in the little decisions.

You learn to hear God’s voice in the small things of life so you can follow His leadership in life’s major decisions. 

Start today by seeking God’s leadership throughout your day. Stay close to Him, listen for His voice, and seek His face. You will be amazed at all God has to say to you.

Look at that verse once again.

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel. – Psalm 32:8

Make these confessions.

  • God is directing and teaching me today.
  • I am led and taught by the Holy Spirit.
  • I am staying close to God so I can follow His leadership.
  • God is leading me in the daily decisions of life.

In Jesus’ Name,

If you have ever doubted God’s desire and willingness to give you direction, remember that God has promised to instruct, direct, and counsel you. 

Thank you for reading The Daily Promise. I pray this builds your faith and gives you new hope in Christ. Thank you for the privilege of sharing God’s word with you.

How has God shown you the way in the past? (Share your thoughts in the comment section below.)

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  1. Karen June 7, 2024 at 5:56 am - Reply

    God has given me supernatural favor in so many different ways. He can work things out in ways we could never think or imagine.. mysteriously 🙏

    • Joanna June 7, 2024 at 6:27 am - Reply

      Today’s devotional came at a very good time. I think Ibhave become so used to trusting myself…which I have made a mess off. So, I am turning it over to God now. So much to trust Him for.

  2. Omer June 7, 2024 at 6:31 am - Reply

    God has led and directed me many times through
    My life ; I cannot count the many times .
    Praise his Holy Name.😇🙏👍

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