God Never Forsakes His Children

February 5, 2019

Scripture Promise: Psalm 37:25
I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging for bread.

Looking back over your life, it’s easy to see the hand of God working. As the Psalmist looks back over his life, he is convinced of one thing. He has never seen God fail or abandon His people.

God never promised us a problem-free life. He never said that we would go from one glorious day to the next and live the Christian life like the opening scenes of a Disney movie. However there is one thing that you can be confident of; As a child of God, when you face your darkest days, God is there with you. 

Most of us have experienced a season of hard times. Times when it felt like our friends deserted us, when we felt as though we were standing all alone, maybe even felt like no one cared. It is during those times, we find as followers of Christ that He is with us.

You may be going through a difficult time right now. Let me remind you, God never forsakes or abandons His children. He will never forsake or abandon you.

Not matter where you may find yourself today, remember Your God will never leave you. As His child you can rest assured that He will be your protection, your security, and your provision. 

There are no orphans in the kingdom of God. God never abandons His children.

One day you will look back over your life. As you review the good times and the bad, You will agree with the Psalmist who said in this promise, “God never forsakes His children.”

Look at this promise again,

“I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.” – Psalm 37:25

Pray this with me

Father, thank you that you are watching over me today. Although I may not always see it or feel it, I know that you never forsake me and You will always be my supply. When worry and fear come my way, remind me that as Your child, I can trust that you will never forsake me, never abandon me, and you will always be by my side.

In Jesus Name, Amen

I hope this promise is an encouragement to you today. And you remember God’s goodness to you.

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  1. Alice February 5, 2019 at 11:54 am - Reply

    I sometimes forget but the truth is: through thick and thin, God never forsakes us. He is always with us, always faithful.

  2. J&W February 5, 2019 at 12:39 pm - Reply

    Thank you for the reminder that we are never alone – God is always there, in the details!

    • biltay5_8awrk6 February 5, 2019 at 2:22 pm - Reply

      Thank Johnnette, I’m glad it was a blessing.

  3. Chaplain February 5, 2019 at 3:02 pm - Reply

    Thank you reminding us the God is with us in everything…EV-R-WE-THING we do daily!! Peace and Blessings

  4. Myrna L Snowden February 5, 2019 at 4:58 pm - Reply

    Sometimes we forget just how good God is. I’m those timed we need to ask the Holy Spirit for help. Thank You. MLJ.

  5. Terry February 5, 2019 at 7:45 pm - Reply

    This morning, my sense of abandonment and unworthiness has been driven by my own choices where other things in my life have taken priority over my sovereign master. Thank you for the reminder that despite my shortcomings, He has never left me or forsaken me, as I move to put Him back on the throne of my heart.

  6. Mike Turner March 5, 2019 at 1:26 am - Reply

    This is a blessing. It’s easier to look back at the promise than to remember while you’re in the valley. Praying for my wife, marriage & family. God will be there I know. The struggles are real & seem to go longer than a season. God bless & prayers needed even in the better times.

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