Today’s Promise
February 18, 2025
Hope Brings Overflowing Joy
The hope of the righteous brings joy.
Proverbs 10:28
The Power of Hope
Today we are talking about hope. When you lose hope, you lose everything, but when you have hope, it brings new joy to your life.
How you see the future affects how you live today. As Christians, we have a hope that stretches beyond tomorrow and into eternity.
When you have no hope, you quickly fall into despair. Without hope, you have little to live for. When you lose hope, you lose everything. Without hope, everything in life fades to a dull gray.
We often use the word “hope” when wishing for the future. I “hope” I get a raise next year. I “hope” our house sells quickly. I “hope” we will eat at my favorite restaurant.
Not Wishful Thinking
For the Christian, hope is more than wishful thinking. Your hope is the confident assurance that in Christ, your future is secure. You can see beyond the circumstances of today to what God will bring in the future. Hope is confidence in God.
Hope Brings Joy
Joy flows out of hope. Joy overflows when you have hope for tomorrow. As your hope grows, fear, worry, and distress all fall away.
God is in Control
You have hope because you know God is in control. Life is not an accident. God has a wonderful plan for your life. He has promised “abundant life” in Him. You can be confident that God is bringing good things into your life.
You know life is short, and your eternity is secure. Because your hope is in Christ, you have no fear of death. You know that when you close your eyes in death, you will open them in the presence of the Lord. Your hope for eternity is secure in Him.
Your hope is secure, and your joy overflows because you know God knows your needs even before you ask Him. He is fully aware of everything you are going through. God is never surprised by the detours of life. He knows the trials, struggles, and joys you experience. He is working in your life to bring about His will for your benefit.
Joy fills your life as you place your hope and trust in Christ. As you hope in Christ, His joy will come springing up in your life as never before.
Look at that promise again.
The hope of the righteous brings joy. – Proverbs 10:28
Make these confessions.
- I have joy because my hope is in the Lord.
- I don’t fear tomorrow because God is in control.
- I am confident I will spend eternity in God’s presence, experiencing the joys of heaven.
- My joy overflows because I hope in Him.
In Jesus’ Name,
Remember, as you place your hope in Christ, joy will overflow your heart.
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My Hope is in Jesus. Here and now. Jesus came to give us Life and that more Abundantly. When my purpose here is complete. My hope is knowing I will spend Eternity with my Lord Jesus and all my Loved Ones who have gone before me and who have put their Hope in our Lord JESUS. What more could one ask for. Thank you Jesus and Bless Your Holy Name,
L have a true real in hope from JESUS all the time amen???
My true Joy is from Jesus! Knowing He is in control and He wants the best for us and that He is always guiding us.?
I keep my hope in God.
I trust god with all things. There are several things I know he is going to deliver on. My sons both need jobs due to this current administration. I am trusting the lord to not all give them jobs, but the positions will be beyond their expectations and give the stability and financial growth. He can and will do all things.
I pray for other facing the same uncertainties and I ask god to come into them and give them strength.
My wife and I hoped one day to build a home on our land in Colorado, but many obstacles stood in the way, but we held on to that hope and we are finally here, enJOYing the beauty of God’s creation every day. Thank you God.
Hey Travis, I wish I were with you. We Love Colorado! My son lives in Denver and we would love to live there, but we have never gotten a green light from the Lord to move there. We settle for a couple of trips a year down near Gunnison. – Billy