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January 22, 2021

Today’s Promise

I Am Filled With Joy

John 15:11

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

The Joy Filled Life

The Christian life is a Joy-filled life. Jesus was the most joyful person to ever walk on the earth. He destroyed the religious leaders’ burdensome teachings and invited His followers into a joyful relationship with God. It was His overflowing joy that attracted people to Him.

Second to love, joy is the main spiritual fruit of the Christian life. When Paul described the characteristics of a person walking in the Spirit, joy was the second quality listed.

Not Happiness

Joy is different from happiness. Happiness is all about your circumstances. If everything is going your way, then you are happy. When they are, you’re not happy. Joy is heart-based. You can be filled with joy even when things are not working out the way you planned. Joyful people understand that life is more than their current circumstances.

Our world is filled with discontentment and sadness. Very few people would describe their life as “joy-filled.” As a Christian, you should stand out from the crowd simply because you are joyful.

Fellowship With Christ

The secret to joy-filled living is walking in fellowship with Jesus. Psalm 16:11 says, “In your presence is fullness of joy.” Joy flows from the presence of God. In this chapter, Jesus had just finished teaching about living in fellowship with Him. Just as He lived in fellowship with God and experienced complete joy, we can experience the joy of Jesus as we learn to live in fellowship with Him.

The more time you spend in the presence of God, the more you understand just how much you are loved. Understanding and living in the complete love of God is the beginning point for joy. The more time you spend in the presence of God, the more you understand that He is in control. It is living in the fellowship of God’s love that releases joy in your heart. His joy comes bubbling up like fresh water from a mountain spring. You just can’t help being joyful!

Look at that promise again.

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. – John 15:11

Confess this with me.

  • God desires for me to live a joy-filled life.
  • As I walk in fellowship with Christ, I live in joy.
  • I experience complete joy as I walk in His presence.
  • His joy gives me the strength to face anything life throws my way.

In Jesus Name,

Thanks for joining me on The Daily Promise. Be sure and catch tomorrow’s review episode. Reviewing these promises will allow the Holy Spirit to move them deeper into your heart.

Guys, we all know we should be praying for our wives, but so few guys know how. Pick up a copy of my book “Praying for Your Wife” and learn how to pray for your wife daily and effectively. (Ladies, it won’t hurt to order a copy for your husband.) It’s available on Amazon in print and Kindle. Click Here.

In the comments below, tell me a joy you’ve experienced recently in your life. 

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