April 24, 2020

Today’s Promise

I Can Worship Anywhere

John 4:24

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Where you worship isn’t as important as how you worship. Over the last few weeks, we have all learned you don’t have to be at church to worship.

Where is the Best Place to Worship

One day Jesus met a woman at a well on the edge of town. As the conversation drew on, the woman began a discussion on where you should worship. 

Jesus answered by saying that a time would come when where you worship wouldn’t be as important as how you worship. Worship is more of an attitude of the heart than a location.

So many Christians get caught up in the formality and tradition of worship. They think worship has to happen at a certain time or a certain place. They think you must worship in a certain way or only with a certain style of worship. They see the church building as the only true place you can worship God.

Jesus changed everything with this conversation. Jesus broke through traditions and religion. Jesus said there are only two requirements for worship. God-honoring worship must be done in spirit and truth.

Spirit and Truth

What does it mean to worship God in spirit and truth?

God is spirit. True worship begins in your heart. Worship isn’t about music or singing. Worship isn’t about the style or the instrumentation. You can worship God with guitar or a pipe organ. True worship is expressing your love and gratitude to God.

Worshipping in truth has two aspects. Worshipping in truth means you come to God in the way He requires.

Some people think as long as you are sincere, God will hear you. God says you only come to Him through His son, Jesus Christ. Our worship must always line up with God’s Word. 

The other second aspect of worshipping in truth has to do with your heart. You must worship the Lord with a truthful heart. A person can sing worship songs all day long, but if their heart isn’t turned to God, they’re wasting their time. Worship without honesty is no worship at all.

You can worship God in the grandest cathedral or a grass hut – you can be part of a large crowd or in your pajamas watching online in your living room. 

Worshipping in spirit and truth is worshipping God through the name of Jesus with a heart that is open and honest before God.

Look at that promise once again.

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.– John 4:24

Make these confessions.

  • I can worship God wherever I am.
  • I worship the Lord through the name of Jesus.
  • When I worship, my heart reaches out to God.
  • God accepts my worship when I worship Him with an honest and sincere heart.

In Jesus Christ,

As followers of Christ, we know that when we come to God in prayer or worship, we must come in spirit and in truth.

Don’t forget, Tuesday night is our online prayer meeting. We are praying for your requests live on the Internet. Join us this Tuesday at 7:00 pm, Central Time – US. To join us, go to www.nationalprayerroom.com for more information. Please share this with those you know who need prayer.

How are you worshipping since you can’t get with other members of your church? Is it working? Share in the comments below.


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  1. Leslie Williams April 24, 2020 at 3:32 am - Reply

    I worship our father in my home ??????

  2. Leslie Williams April 24, 2020 at 3:32 am - Reply

    I worship our father in my home ??????God is an amazing God!!!! Glory

  3. Judith Nadunga April 24, 2020 at 8:46 am - Reply

    Thank you Sir for this wonderful text May the almighty God uphold you and strength you always
    I am worshiping God at home with my Son and daughter, and then at times on zoom an online service or bible study with family and we are enjoying fellowship with one another

  4. Wendy Hendricks April 24, 2020 at 9:13 am - Reply

    Yesssssss!!!! In my car listening to Songs about HIM, at home, In my study set aside to pray at church ,,,,
    Just about anywhere!! From my heart!! Amen

  5. NNC April 24, 2020 at 10:01 am - Reply

    I certainly miss worshipping with my fellow church members on Sunday mornings. It’s something about the move of the Holy Spirit enveloping a whole group of people together that just fills me. I can also worship Him in my one on one time with him in my prayer closet or listening to a worship song in my car or on a Zoom call with my close friends sisters in Christ. Worshipping God is not bound by place or time. Worship is about your heart and relationship with God and wanting to be in His presence and acknowledge Him for who He is! Praise be to God ????

  6. Cosmas December 16, 2023 at 12:50 am - Reply

    I love worship

  7. Cosmas December 16, 2023 at 12:53 am - Reply

    I worship our father in my home!!! God is in amazing!! Glory in the almighty father?

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