February 24, 2020
Today’s Promise
I Live to Please the Lord
2 Corinthians 5:9
Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.
As we begin the week, here’s a wonderful commitment that will keep you heading in the right direction.
The Apostle Paul had one main focus in life.
Above everything else, He wanted to please the Lord. He had made pleasing God his lifelong ambition.
You can seek after a lot of things. You can make it your goal to work your way up the corporate ladder, start a business, lose weight, or a thousand other things.
There is nothing wrong with getting fit, having a good job, or starting your own company. However, as a Christian, your primary goal is to please the Lord. Everything else must take second place.
No matter the situation, Paul’s overriding goal was to please the Lord. Whether at home or away, in public or in private, his passion was to please the Lord.
Many people want to please the Lord in public.
They want everyone to know just how spiritual they are. What matters is your commitment when no one else is around.
God’s desire is for you to live open-handed before Him. Everything else is life is secondary compared to being a humble servant and pleasing your master. His plans become your plans. His desires become your desires. You don’t obey out of fear, but out of love and gratitude for all God has done for you.
Whether you are home or away, in public or private, the number one goal must always be to please the Lord in your actions and attitudes.
Look at that promise again.
Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. – 2 Corinthians 5:9
Make this confession
- My ambition in life is to please the Lord.
- It doesn’t matter where I am; I seek to please the Lord.
- God saved me and gave me new life in Christ.
- I can’t help but serve Him with all that I am.
In Jesus Name,
Will you make this commitment this week? Wherever you go, in private or public, make it your goal to please the Lord in all you do. Not under guilt, or fear, but under a deep desire to please the One who has given you so much.
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Are you committed to pleasing the Lord? Say “Amen” or share a comment below.
With out the love of the Lord I can do nothing.
Having tasted of His goodness I keep coming back for more. growing in the knowledge of God, and being perfected by his great love for me.
Pleasing God, that is a great mission ….perfect way to start my Monday. Thank You
Yes, I want to live my life to please the Lord.