Today’s Promise
February 24, 2022
I Will Fight the Battle for You
Audio PlayerOne man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as he promised you.
Joshua 23:10
The Spiritual Battle
Every day, you face a spiritual battle. As a follower of Christ, you never face the enemy alone. God is fighting with you and for you in every battle.
Amazing things happen when God empowers you. You experience victory through His power in you.
In this chapter, Joshua has grown old and is giving his farewell speech to the people of God. He reminds them of all the incredible things God has done for them. He tells of how they successfully overcame all their enemies because God fought the battle for them. When God is fighting the war, one soldier can overcome a thousand enemies.
It was not their strength or military power that brought the victory. God was fighting the battle for them.
God Fights for You
God is fighting your battles as well. He goes before you into every challenge you face. He empowers you to bring about victory in every situation.
God is empowering you to walk in victory today. You can stand and face the enemy with courage and strength because He has promised to fight for you. Your enemies will flee, and you can overcome a thousand demonic forces because God is fighting the battle for you.
You never have to worry or doubt when you face a spiritual battle. The God you serve is in the battle with you, and He will give victory as He fights for you.
His death on the cross destroyed the power of Satan and gave you victory in every situation.
Let’s look at that promise again.
One man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the LORD your God who fights for you, just as he promised you. – Joshua 23:10
Make these confessions.
- I win every battle because God fights for me.
- With God on my side, I can overcome any enemy.
- I never face the spiritual battle alone. God is with me.
- Since God fights for me, I can drive away every enemy.
In Jesus’ Name,
Remember, God has promised to fight your battles for you. Don’t try to face the enemy alone. Let God empower you and fight the battle for you.
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How has God fought your battles for you? (Share your thoughts in the comments below.)