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Audio PlayerOctober 15, 2020
Today’s Promise
I Will Trust in the Lord
Psalm 71:14
But as for me, I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more.
As For Me
This promise opens with a declaration. “But as for me.” The Psalmist says it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing; my commitment is to hope in the Lord. Though he faced enemies all around him, He would place His hope in the Lord. He would trust the Lord as His provider and protector.
What does it mean to “hope in the Lord?” To hope in the Lord is to place your complete faith and trust in God. Hope is more than wishing for something to come to pass. It is a patient expectancy that God will fulfill His promise.
From Promise to Fulfillment There is Hope
Sometimes God doesn’t respond as quickly as we think He should. Often time, it can be a long time between God’s promise and its fulfillment. Some of the greatest characters of the Bible had to wait a long time before they saw God fulfill His promise.
Abraham waited years for God to fulfill His promise of a son, yet he waited with hope knowing God would do what He said He would do. Moses spent 40 years in the desert before God brought His children into the promised land. Those who trust the Lord place their hope in Him.
Putting your hope in the Lord allows you to live life in faith. You know God will fulfill His promise. You have hope beyond this life, knowing God has a place for you in heaven. You have hope today because you know God hears and answers your prayer. You may not have seen the answer yet, but through faith, you know the answer is coming.
The confession of your hope in the Lord is praise. As you place your hope and trust in the Lord, the natural outcome is to prise Him. You praise Him because you know He is faithful. You know God is working, even though we may not see it.
Look at that verse again.
But as for me, I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more. – Psalm 71:14
Make these confessions.
- I put my complete faith and trust in the Lord.
- I wait with patient confidence, knowing God will fulfill His promise.
- No matter what others do, I will trust in the Lord.
- My heart is filled with praise because God will fulfill His promise to me.
In Jesus Name,
God has put on my heart to encourage 10,000 pastors over the next four years by mobilizing church members to pray for their pastors. God has placed an incredible challenge and opportunity before us. You can find out more about our new Praying For Pastors by watching Sunday night’s program. Go to for more information.
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