Today’s Promise
February 24, 2025
Jesus Cleansed Your Heart
But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
Dealing With Sin
From the newest Christian to the oldest saint, we all wrestle with sin.
Forgiveness is how God deals with our sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He carried your sin with him. God forgave every sin you had ever committed when you came to Christ through faith. God removed the wall that separated you from Him.
Receiving forgiveness was just the beginning. Not only are you forgiven, but God has cleansed you of your sin.
So many Christians carry needless guilt and shame because they have difficulty accepting God’s forgiveness. They can’t seem to shake their identity with their sin. They see themselves more as a sinner than as a saint. I heard a preacher once ask, “Are you a sinner, trying to live like a Christian, or are you a Christian who sometimes falls into sin?”
Cleansed From Sin
Many Christians don’t understand that they have been forgiven and cleansed from all their sin.
Imagine a large blackboard with every sin you have ever committed listed. None of us would want to see that list or let anyone else see it. It is a reminder of our shame, failure, and wickedness. Now imagine God taking an eraser and wiping off the board. But God doesn’t stop there. Now imagine God taking a wet rag and completely cleaning the board. He keeps cleaning it until it is spotless, with no hint of what was once written on it.
God forgave and cleansed you from your sin. You no longer have to carry the weight of your past sin and failures. You no longer have to identify with your sin.
Look at that promise again,
But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. – 1 John 1:7 (NASB)
God not only forgave your sin; He cleansed you. He washed you with the blood of Jesus and removed every hint of sin and stain.
Make these confessions.
- In Jesus Christ, my sin is forgiven.
- God has cleansed me from all the shame, guilt, and pain of my sin.
- I am clean and pure before Him.
- I no longer identify with my sin but with my righteousness in Christ.
- When I sin, God forgives me and cleanses my heart.
In Jesus’ Name,
The blood of Jesus has cleansed your heart, paid your sin debt, and erased your sin. God has cleansed your heart. Now go and live like it!
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Christian who sometimes falls into sin.
Christian who sometimes falls into sin 🙏
I was a sinner rat dog saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and now I am a son of God, who occasionally stumbles..
My sins were higher than the mountain and the Lord sanctified me. I now live by His grace. When I stumble I call on Him to strengthen me; for His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Hallelujah!!