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August 5, 2020

Today’s Promise

Jesus Gives Me His Peace

John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.”

If you struggle with worry, fear, or depression, today’s promise is for you. Today we are talking about living in the peace of Christ.

Perfect Peace

Jesus walked in perfect peace. He was at peace with Himself, His Heavenly Father, and the world around Him. You never saw him anxious, worried or stressed. We often refer to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.”

What would it be like to live in that kind of supernatural peace? Imagine going through your day in perfect peace, no matter what was going on around you.

The Jews viewed peace as more than just the absence of war. They defined peace as wholeness, completeness, health, security, and even prosperity.

The Peace of Christ

When you walk in the peace of Christ, you walk in contentment, joy, and trust that God is in control.

Many people would do just about anything to experience peace. A search for “How to Have Inner Peace” on Google produces 296 million results. Where would you even start?
Warren Wiersbe, the great writer, and Bible scholar, said, “Unsaved people enjoy peace when there is an absence of trouble; Christians enjoy peace in spite of trials because of the presence of power, the Holy Spirit.”

With the world filled with fear, worry, and anxiety, how do you find peace in such an angry and frustrated world?

Peace Begins in the Heart

The peace Christ offers is a peace that begins in the heart and moves into every area of your life. Peace is not about what you do, but who you know. Peace begins with a relationship with Christ. Until you are at peace with God, you can never be at peace with yourself.

You can experience the peace of Jesus by claiming this promise. Jesus said, “my peace I give to you.” You can have the peace Jesus walked in. You don’t work for peace. You receive peace the same way you received salvation – through faith.

Walking in the peace of Jesus is walking by faith. It doesn’t mean you will never experience troubles; it means when problems come, you have a peaceful confidence that God is in control.

When your peace begins to fail, use it as a reminder to turn to Christ and receive His renewed peace by faith. Live in the supernatural peace Christ offers you.

Look at that promise again.

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” – John 14:27

Make these confessions.

  • Jesus, right now, I receive your peace.
  • Thank You for Your peace in my life.
  • By faith, I walk in the peace you have promised me.
  • When my faith wains, I will draw close to you and receive new peace for today’s troubles.

In Jesus name,

The Daily Promise is a faith-based ministry. If this ministry blesses you, I would appreciate your considering supporting the Daily Promise. Your support keeps me teaching the promises of God around the world. You can make a donation at

Are you walking in the peace of Jesus today? If not, what is your biggest struggle? Share in the comments below.


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  1. Valerie DMcDonald August 5, 2020 at 10:19 am - Reply

    Amen thank you for sharing i needed to read this morning keep teaching the word

    • Billy Taylor August 5, 2020 at 1:47 pm - Reply

      Thanks Valerie. Glad it was a blessing. – Billy

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