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November 6, 2020

Today’s Promise

Jesus Set Me Free

Galatians 5:1

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Jesus Set You Free

Jesus set you free. It’s as simple as that. You are no longer a slave to your sin, selfishness, fear, or past failures. As a free person in Jesus Christ, never allow anyone to put you back under the law of bondage.

In the United States, we revel in our freedom. We are blessed to live in a country where we can express our faith in God and Jesus without fear of retaliation.

Unfortunately, even though we live in a free country, many people still live in bondage to their hearts. They live as slaves to their fear, failures, and desires. 

Spiritual Bondage

Spiritual bondage can be just as limiting as physical bondage. A person in spiritual bondage may be free to pursue their purpose, dreams, and plans, but never even try.

Christ set you free. The chains of your sin have been broken. You are no longer in bondage. Christ came into this world to give you freedom. He set you free from your past, free from your fears, and free to be all God created you to be. 

The word “free” here means liberty. It is the freedom to live at a higher level. It’s the freedom to live the empowered life Christ promised.

Living Under the Law

So many Christians live by the law. They have a set of rules they follow. If they break the rules, then they feel guilty and ashamed. When they sin, they beat themselves up and promise to try harder. They live the Christian life reliant on their striving and strength. It’s all about how hard they try and how well they perform. Christ has set you free from that type of living.

Christ has empowered and freed you to live not by a set of rules but in a loving relationship with Jesus.

Look at that promise once again.

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1

Make these declarations today.

  • In Jesus Christ, I have freedom.
  • I am not under the law or any set of rules.
  • I live in an empowered, loving relationship with Christ.
  • I will not allow myself to be brought back under the bondage of religion.

In Jesus Name,


The message of The Daily Promise is needed as never before. So many people are struggling with doubt and fear. If The Daily Promise has been a blessing to you, share it with a friend. You are the key to helping us encourage others with the promises of God.

Tomorrow is review day on The Daily Promise. I hope you will join me as we go back through the promises we learned this week so God can take them deep into our hearts.


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