Today’s Promise

March 25, 2025

No Condemnation

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Romans 8:1

No Condemnation

The book of Romans is one of the most powerful and richest books in the New Testament. Today, we focus on a significant promise every Christian must know.

Shame, guilt, and condemnation seem to go hand in hand when it comes to religion. Religious people are often the most beaten down and guilt-ridden people around. Religion loves to make you feel ashamed, guilty, and worthless.

It might seem strange, but God hates religion. Religion is about man being good enough for God. Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. The message of the Gospel is God reaching down to man.

Guilt and Shame

So many Christians live with the guilt and shame of their past. They know they are saved but feel like second-class citizens in the kingdom of God.

Have you ever struggled with shame or feeling unworthy when you came to God in prayer? Do you still feel guilty and sinful even though you know you are forgiven? Do you feel like God is disappointed with you because of your sin? I have great news.

There is no shame or condemnation for the followers of Jesus Christ. All your shame, guilt, and self-reproach disappeared when you made Jesus your Savior and Lord.

Condemnation is a legal term and means the penalty that comes after a guilty verdict. As a Christian, the penalty for your sin has been paid by Jesus. You don’t have to pay for your past sins, the ones you commit today or any in the future. Your sin no longer condemns you before God.

Pure and Clean

In Christ, you stand before God clean and pure. There is no need for shame because your sin has been erased. Any shame or guilt you experience now comes from the lying lips of Satan. He is the father of lies. He loves to deceive Christians into believing they are unworthy and guilty before God.

You can stand firm, knowing you are no longer under any condemnation. Jesus removed your shame and guilt on the cross.

Look at that promise once again.

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. – Romans 8:1

Make these confessions.

  • In Jesus Christ, my sin is paid.
  • I am no longer under condemnation.
  • I am free from the shame and guilt of my past.
  • Praise God, Jesus has taken away all my guilt and shame.

In Jesus’ Name,

Never allow the condemnation of religion to overshadow the forgiveness you have found in Christ.

As never before, your pastor needs your prayer support. If you haven’t gone through Praying for Pastors, let me encourage you to do so. There are few things more important than praying for your pastor. You can sign up for free at Your pastor needs your prayer support as never before.

Are you living free of condemnation today? (Post your answer in the comment section)

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  1. Omer Hughes March 25, 2025 at 5:11 am - Reply

    Yes Amen !

  2. Karen March 25, 2025 at 6:27 am - Reply

    Yes 🙏

  3. Denise Hines March 25, 2025 at 8:42 am - Reply

    God has taken away my guilt and shame . Thank you God. amen

  4. Travis Johnson March 25, 2025 at 9:42 am - Reply

    This is a very freeing truth, to know that Jesus has taken away my guilt and shame, removed my sin as far as the east is from the west, and I stand no longer condemned.

  5. David Soldan March 25, 2025 at 12:14 pm - Reply

    Jesus has taken away my guilt and shame😇. Thank Jesus 😇❤️

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