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Audio PlayerAugust 5, 2021
Today’s Promise
Obedience Brings Joy
I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches..
Psalm 119:14
Walking in Obedience
Like so many things in the Christian walk, receiving joy from obeying God doesn’t seem to make sense. The thought of obedience often brings images of restrictions, rules, and regulations. How could obeying God be a joy?
The Psalmist says we can rejoice over obeying God the way a person rejoices over finding an envelope of money, seeing their stocks go up, or discovering a hidden treasure.
Here are four short reasons why you can rejoice in obeying the Lord.
First, obedience produces a blessed life. When you walk in God’s will, you walk in God’s blessing. Jesus said that those who seek righteousness and have a pure heart will be blessed. As I have mentioned before, those who are blessed live in the favor of God.
Second, obedience keeps you from harm. God gives you His instruction for your good. When you follow the maintenance schedule for your car, it will last much longer. Why? Because the people who created the schedule built the car. They know how it works. As your creator, God knows what is best for you. Following God’s word keeps you on the right path, so you miss the snares and problems others face. Imagine all the problems our world would miss if we just obeyed God’s word.
Third, obedience pleases the Father. As a child of God, you want to please your Father. As you obey God’s word, you confess to the world that your Father is good and knows what is best for your life. When you walk in obedience to His Word, you honor Him in all you do.
Fourth, when you walk in obedience, you show your love for Christ. Jesus said those who love Him would obey His commandments. Your obedience to Christ is an expression of your love for Him.
Let’s look at that promise once again.
I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. – Psalm 119:14
Make these confessions.
- It is my joy to be an obedient child of God.
- I am blessed as I obey the commandments of the Lord.
- When I walk in obedience, God protects me from harm.
- When I obey God’s word, I honor God and show my love for Him.
In Jesus name,
The benefits of obedience far outweigh the cost of walking in disobedience. When you walk in obedience, joy will fill your life.
With school starting across the country, your child or grandchild needs your prayer covering as never before. Those first few days of school will bring new influences and new temptations. I wrote Praying for Students to help you pray more effectively for your student. When you sign up for Praying for Students, I’ll send you a daily scripture and prayer for the first 31 days of school. Help them start the year right by covering them with prayer. Sign up for free by CLICKING HERE.
Do you see obeying God’s word as a joy, or do you struggle? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I certainly find it joyful to walk in obedience. Sometimes it’s just difficult navigating the path He is leading you toward.
I have experienced the blessings that come along with obedience therefore I strive to do what He is calling me to. Sometimes I fear NOT doing the right thing but He always seems to set me straight if I misstep along the way.
Mary, thanks for sharing – Billy
Please reconsider the promises you are presenting on behalf of God. Obeying God does not keep you safe from harm. You can obey God and suffer harm if that is God’s will. Teaching that obeying God keeps you safe from harm causes confusion when an obedient person is harmed by someone. The Bible is full of obedient people who suffered tremendous harm. Job, Joseph, Mary, Ruth, Esther, Tamar, Dinah….all of these people were obedient and suffered harm!
Keeping up with the maintenance on your car does not guarantee it will not break down with a mechanical issue. Being obedient does not mean you won’t get hurt and suffer. Please consider the book of Job again. If you teach that obedience equals a life free of harm and then someone is harmed then the person might think why be obedient if I am going to suffer anyway. Or why did God let me down? The only reason to be obedient is because you want a relationship with God. Obedience does not guarantee any blessings either. John the Baptist and the prophets are a perfect example. Obedience should not be perceived as a pretty life picture of rainbows and butterflies. This is misrepresenting God and making up promises that are not true. Obedience can be very ugly and difficult without protection and blessings. That is why we have the book of Job to learn that God does not work through retribution and rewarding like humans do. Job teaches that obedience through love is the only gift we can give to God. It is not about receiving from God but giving to Him.
Hey Sharron. Thanks so much for your comment. I didn’t say that if you maintain your car, it will never break down. I said, it would last longer. My point was that much of the harm we experience is by our own making. By following God’s word, it will keep us from harm. I have often said that God doesn’t promise us a perfect life without problem or challenge. At the same time there are numerous verses that promise God’s protection – Psalm 34:7 / Psalm 121:7-8. God protected David from Saul in 1 Samuel 23 / Daniel was protected by God in the lion’s den – Daniel 6.
Sure, there will be times of suffer, but there is joy in obedience, knowing God is still working. We should live and pray expecting God’s protection from hame. He he chooses us to suffer for the Gospel, we can still rejoice in obedience because we are not without hope. – Billy