April 14, 2020
Today’s Promise
God Makes Roads in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert
Isaiah 43:18
Behold, I will do something new. now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
When you face the wilderness of uncertainly, God will show you the path you should follow. When life becomes a dry desert, He will refresh you with His presence.
A New Work
The God you serve is a God of new things. He is always bringing about a new work in His kingdom and your heart. What God has done in the past isn’t as important as what God wants to do in your life today.
Life is sometimes hard, and it can take us through the desert wilderness. As you face uncertain times, look for the new work God is about to perform in your life.
A Roadways in the Wilderness
The wilderness represents times of uncertainty. As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, they were never sure what tomorrow would bring. When you face a wilderness experience, you may be overwhelmed with questions of what tomorrow may bring for you. Fear and worry team up and sneak up behind you to bring about doubt, distress, and confusion. They whisper, “What will happen if…?”
In the wilderness, remember, God has made a path for you to follow. You don’t have to wander in uncertainly. In the wilderness, don’t go running off in any direction, hoping to find a way out. Stop and look for God’s roadway. It will give you a clear path with signs to follow. Listen to His voice and follow His leadership. My former pastor used to say, “When you don’t know what to do next, just keep doing the last thing God told you to do.”
Rivers in the Desert
We all go through times in the desert. The lush joys of life are replaced by endless sand dunes, blazing sun, and barren loneliness. During those desert times, the joy of your salvation may wain, and you may feel alone and lack the desire to go on.
During those times, God promises life-giving water. When water comes to the desert, life springs forth, a small pool of water will be surrounded by green grass, trees, and vegetation. It becomes an oasis in the middle of a barren wasteland. God promises more than an oasis. He promises a river. In the middle of your desert journey, God is bringing a flowing river of Life. Jesus promised that those who believed in Him would have rivers of living water gushing forth from their inner being.
When you walk through the desert, remember God is bringing you more than an oasis, He releasing multiple rivers of refreshment and sustenance.
Beside the wilderness roadway, God is making a flowing river of His presence and Spirit.
Look at that promise again.
Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:18
Make these confessions.
- I will not dwell on the past but look forward to what God will do today.
- I am keeping my eyes open to the new thing God is doing.
- When I face uncertain times, God will show me the path to follow.
- When the world dries up around me, God will bring rivers of refreshment and provision.
In Jesus name,
No matter how vast the wilderness or how dry the desert is you are facing, God is giving you direction and refreshing you with His presence.
Thanks for being with me on The Daily Promise.
Remember tonight, April 14, at 7:00 pm, I will be hosting another Virtual Prayer Meeting. We had a great response to this past week’s prayer meeting, and I hope you will join us tonight. We will be praying for your prayer requests life. There are only 100 spaces available, so be sure and log on early. Go to nationalprayerroom.com for login information.
How has God provided a roadway or a river for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.