Today’s Promise

July 13, 2024

Saturday Review

This Week’s Promises

Psalm 145:8| Psalm 86:7 | John 7:37-38| Zechariah 4:6 Psalm 23:4

Saturday Review

Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises we learned during the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts.

Monday – God is Gracious and Merciful

We began the week by celebrating four of the character qualities of God. Each character quality gives us a better understanding of God and how we relate to Him.

Here’s the promise.

The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. – Psalm 145:8

Make these confessions.

  • God’s grace and mercy are flowing over me today.
  • God is patient with me as I grow in my walk with Him. 
  • When I sin, God is slow to anger and gives me time to repent.
  • God’s commitment love keeps me in close fellowship with Him.

In Jesus’ name,

The God we serve is full of grace and mercy. He is slow to anger and great in His commitment love for us.


Tuesday – Call Upon the Lord in Your Day of Trouble

On Tuesday, we saw that when trouble comes, we can always call on the Lord. When we call on Him, we know He will answer.

Here’s the promise.

In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, For You will answer me. – Psalm 86:7 

Make these confessions.
  • When trouble comes, I will not fear or complain.
  • When trouble comes, I will call on the Lord.
  • When I call on the Lord, I know He will answer me.
  • God will never leave me to face my troubles and problems alone.

In Jesus’ Name,

So when you face a significant problem, don’t allow worry and fear to fill your life. Don’t complain. Call on the Lord, and He will answer. He will be with you in your day of trouble.


Wednesday – Jesus Brings Living Water

Midway through the week, we claimed the promise that the Holy Spirit would fill and flow through us like living water. 

Here’s the promise.

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ – John 7:37-38

Make these confessions.
  • I have rivers of living water flowing in me.
  • The living water is the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit relieves my thirst and renews my heart.
  • This living water overflows into the world around me.

In Jesus’ name,

As Christians, we have the living water Jesus promised. The Holy Spirit resides in us and will refresh and empower us today.


Thursday – Not by Might or Power, but by the Spirit

On Thursday, we were reminded that it is not about our power or strength but the power of Christ that lives and works through us.

Here’s the promise.

Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. – Zechariah 4:6

Make these confessions.
  • It’s not about my strength or power but the Holy Spirit in me.
  • I can accomplish everything God calls me to do by His Spirit.
  • I can face any mountain because God’s Spirit is within me.
  • Today, I won’t stand on my strength but will trust in the Holy Spirit’s power and might.
  • In Jesus’ Name.

When it comes to doing God’s work, you can try your best or trust in the power of the Lord. One way, you receive the glory; the other way, it all goes to God.


Friday – I Will Not Fear the Valley of Shadows

We ended the week with the promise that even when we face our darkest days, Jesus is right there with us. As we trust in Him, all our fears disappear.

Here’s the promise.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. – Psalm 23:4

Make these confessions.
  • I will not fear.
  • God is leading me through the valley of the shadows.
  • As the Good Shepherd, He is guiding my footsteps.
  • Jesus is with me, so I find rest and security in Him.

In Jesus’ name,

Even when you face your darkest days, there is no reason to fear. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus is always with you. He will guide and comfort you through your darkest times.

That’s it for this week. I hope these promises have been a blessing to you. Go back through these promises and allow God to renew your mind with these truths from His Word. Share one of these promises with a friend or family member. Everyone can use an encouraging word from God’s Word.

Which of these promises were especially meaningful to you? Share it in the comments below.


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  1. Travis Johnson July 13, 2024 at 8:16 am - Reply

    I am in awe of God’s amazing lovingkindness extended to each of us. He loves us with an everlasting love.

  2. Marlene July 13, 2024 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    God’s commitment love keeps me in close fellowship with Him.

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