Today’s Promise
July 30, 2022
Saturday Review
This Week’s Promises
John 14:3 | 1 John 2:1 | James 5:16 | Hebrews 10:17 | Proverbs 15:8
Saturday Review
Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises we learned during the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts.
Monday – Jesus Will Come Again
We began the week with the reminder that Jesus is coming again. When Christ returns, we will spend eternity in His presence. We will experience all the joys of a renewed earth and will reign and rule with Him forever.
Here’s the promise.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. – John 14:3
Make these confessions.
- Jesus is preparing a special place for me in heaven.
- When He returns, I will spend eternity with Him.
- I don’t know when He will return, but I am living like it will be today.
- When He returns, He will establish His eternal kingdom.
In Jesus’ name,
Don’t lose hope. Jesus is coming. His return is close now than it has ever been. Live with your heart set on eternity, ready to meet the King of kings.
Tuesday – Jesus is Your Advocate
On Tuesday, we claimed the promise that Jesus is our advocate. When you became a Christian, Jesus forgave your sin and gave you His rightness before God. He empowered you with the Holy Spirit so you could live a life of obedience to Him.
Here’s the promise.
My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. – 1 John 2:1
Make these confessions.
- God calls me to live a holy life.
- If I sin, Jesus stands before God on my behalf.
- My sin has been forgiven and removed by the blood of Jesus.
- Jesus is my advocate before the Father.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus is your advocate before God the Father. You can come to God free of guilt and shame because of the love of Christ. His righteousness has become yours.
Wednesday – Your Prayers Are Powerful
Midway through the week, we discovered the power of prayer. When we pray, we connect with God and release the power of heaven into every situation.
Here’s the promise.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. – James 5:16
Make these confessions.
- When I pray, I bring God into my circumstances.
- My prayers are powerful because God directs them.
- My prayers are effective because I am righteous in Christ.
- I release spiritual forces to bring about God’s will when I pray
In Jesus’ name,
Prayer is the secret weapon of the Christian. When you pray, heaven moves to bring about God’s answer. Your righteousness in Christ gives you confidence before God.
Thursday – Your Sins are Forgiven and Forgotten
On Thursday, we saw how we could live without guilt or shame because our sins are forgiven and forgotten. God doesn’t look at us and see our sin. He only sees the righteousness of Christ.
Here’s the promise.
And their sins and their lawless deeds, I will remember no more. – Hebrews 10:17
Make these confessions.
- When I sin, I confess my sin, and God forgives and forgets my sin.
- I will not allow guilt from my past to hold me back.
- I will not allow Satan to put shame, guilt, or condemnation on me.
- Jesus has forgiven and forgotten my sin.
In Jesus’ name,
Why would you live in guilt and shame when God has forgiven your sin? When God forgives your sin, He forgets it. Confess your sin, receive God’s forgiveness and then forget it, because God already has.
Friday – God Delights in Your Prayers
We ended the week with the promise that God delights in our prayers. As followers of Christ, He is excited when His children come to Him with their problems, struggles, and fears.
When we pray, God listens. He not only listens but is delighted to hear our prayers.
Here’s the promise.
The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is His delight. – Proverbs 15:8
Make these confessions.
- God is delighted when I pray.
- He takes great joy in my prayer.
- I will not come to Him in fear or shame.
- He invites me to sit before Him and share my heart.
In Jesus’ name,
As a follower of Christ, God delights in your prayer. There is nothing to fear when coming into His presence. He loves for you to bring your prayer requests to Him. Take some time today to tell your Heavenly Father what is on your heart.
That’s it for this week. I hope these promises have been a blessing to you. Go back through these promises and allow God to renew your mind with these truths from His Word. Share one of these promises with a friend or family member. Everyone can use an encouraging word from God’s Word.
Which of these promises were especially meaningful to you? Share it in the comments below.