Today’s Promise
March 15, 2025
Audio PlayerSaturday Review
This Week’s Promises
Galatians 3:26 | Ephesians 1:2 | Jeremiah 29:13 | Isaiah 40:29 | Ephesians 2:10
Saturday Review
Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises we learned during the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts.
Monday – You are a Child of the Living God
We began the week claiming the promise that we are the Children of God. When you came to Christ in faith, God adopted you into His family. You call God Father, and He calls you His child.
Here’s the promise.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:26
Make these confessions.
- I am a Child of God.
- God is my Father
- I am in Christ and covered by His blood.
- I come boldly before Him in prayer.
- He calls me son, and I call Him Father.
In Jesus’ Name.
When we fully embrace the promise that we are God’s child and He is our Father, everything in our Christian life changes. We find new intimacy in prayer and new power for living.
Tuesday – Jesus Bring Grace and Peace
On Tuesday, we learned how God promises peace and rest. The peace of God is the result of His grace working in our lives. Because of God’s grace, we can enter God’s presence unashamed and unafraid. God’s peace goes beyond our understanding.
Here’s the promise.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 1:2
Make these confessions.
- Today, God’s grace and peace are flowing over me.
- I live in God’s unmerited favor and blessing.
- God’s grace has removed my fear and shame.
- I am at peace with God and myself.
In Jesus’ Name,
Today, God’s unmerited favor, blessing, and gifts are pouring over us. Because of His grace, we can walk in complete peace before Him and with those around us.
Wednesday – Seek the Lord With all Your Heart
Midway through the week, we looked at the promise that we will find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts.
God doesn’t hide from us. He wants us to find Him. Part-time searching won’t cut it. We must seek after the Lord. Any sacrifice we make will be well worth the time.
Here’s the promise.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)
Make these confessions.
- God is not hiding from me.
- I know when I seek Him, I will find Him.
- I will find Him when I seek Him with all my heart.
- Today, I am seeking God with all my heart.
In Jesus’ Name,
We can rest assured that we will find him when we seek the Lord with all our hearts.
Thursday – God Gives Strength to the Weary
On Thursday, we discovered how God gives us strength even in our weakest times. It seems like life is moving faster and faster. We can quickly become weary of the daily deadlines and pressures. God promises to strengthen us as we walk in fellowship with Him.
Here’s the promise.
He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. – Isaiah 40:29 (HCSB)
Make these confessions.
- When I am weary, God gives me strength.
- When I feel powerless, He empowers me.
- God is the source of all I need.
- As I trust in Lord, He gives me strength.
In Jesus’ Name,
As we trust in the Lord, He will strengthen us today.
Friday – I Am God’s Handiwork
We ended the week with the promise that we are God’s masterpiece. He is working in our lives to make us more like Jesus.
Here’s the promise.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
Make these confessions.
- I am the handiwork of God.
- He created me in His image, and I am His masterpiece.
- Every day, God plans good works for me.
- As I walk in good works, I bring glory and honor to Him.
In Jesus’ Name,
Like a master artisan, God is fashioning us into His perfect masterpiece. We bring Him glory through the good works we do.
That’s it for this week. I hope these promises have been a blessing to you. Go back through these promises and allow God to renew your mind with these truths from His Word. Share one of these promises with a friend or family member. Everyone can use an encouraging word from God’s Word.
Which of these promises were especially meaningful to you? Share it in the comments below.
The promise of Jeremiah 29:13 means a lot to me, because I did seek for God and truth, and I found both in Jesus Christ.
Seek the Lord with all your heart! You are so correct it is not a part time job. With the world we live in today it is so easy to drift away from seeking the Lord. We must pray everyday for the Lord to keep us on path Amen..