Today’s Promise

August 20, 2024

Stand Firm in Your Faith

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Firm and Unwavering

We all have times of doubt, but God calls us to a faith that will not waver when confronted with life’s daily challenges.

God calls you to a firm and unwavering faith. A faith that stands against the daily spiritual attacks you face. Every day, your faith is challenged by a world that considers you a fool for believing in Jesus. In addition, Satan is constantly whispering lies and doubts to discourage and distract you.

Amid all these challenges, God calls you to a firm, unchanging faith in Him.

Like today, the New Testament church had to guard against those who tried to dilute or oppress the Gospel. 

Just before this promise, the Apostle Paul wrote a lengthy discussion clarifying the reality of the resurrection of Jesus.

Steadfast and Immoveable

Paul commands us to be steadfast and immovable in our faith.

Steadfast faith is faith that is deeply rooted. It is a faith that is wholly convinced by the Word of God. It’s the picture of the tree described in Psalm 1 that has deep roots in the Word of God. 

Even when the storms come, you stand firm because you have learned to trust the Word of God. The more you know God’s word, the more stable and secure you are. 

Immovable is a defensive term. When your faith is immovable, it cannot be moved, no matter what Satan throws at you. You will not be taken in by some charlatan teacher who dilutes the Gospel. You know what you believe, are firm in your conviction, and will not be moved.

Once again, it’s the picture of the tree described in Psalm 1. It will not topple or move, no matter how hard the wind blows. Satan and the world can come against you again and again, but Christ in you makes you immovable in your conviction. Your steadfast faith produces immovable security.

God Empowers You

Remember, God always empowers you to accomplish what He commands. Through the power of Christ in you, you are steadfast and immovable in your faith and walk with Christ. You will identify false teaching because you know the truth of God’s Word.

The result of your steadfast and immovable faith is that you overflow with good works for the Lord.

Look at this promise again.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. – 1 Corinthians 15:58

Make these confessions.

  • My faith is strengthened as I trust in God’s Word.
  • In Jesus’ name, I will not be moved in my faith.
  • God always empowers what He has commanded.
  • As my faith is strong, my work for the Lord abounds.

In Jesus’ name,

God always empowers you to accomplish what He commands. Your steadfast faith keeps you secure, no matter what spiritual attacks may come. Because of your faith, your work for the Lord will overflow.

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What is your biggest challenge when it comes to standing in faith? (Share your answer in the comment section below).

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  1. TRAVIS JOHNSON August 20, 2024 at 5:13 am - Reply

    Your Word, O God, is truth. My faith is built on Your truth. I will not be moved.

  2. Omer August 20, 2024 at 6:34 am - Reply

    Having faith when I see the world crumbling around me . Also my body getting weaker each day. But I’m learning as Paul said to be content in whatever my circumstances.

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