May 8, 2020
Today’s Promise
The Lord is Good to Me
Psalm 145:9
The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.
God is Good
The God you serve is good. His goodness shows in all He does and in His wonderful love for you.
Goodness is part of His character. Goodness is at the heart of all He is. He is not just mighty, not just powerful, not just eternal; He is good.
God’s Purpose is Always Good.
God does good because He is good. When God completed creation, He declared that it was very good.
It is God’s goodness that sent His only Son into this world, and His goodness that brought about your salvation.
Many people are quick to blame God when bad things happen. The insurance industry uses the term “acts of God” to describe destruction caused by weather or unforeseen forces. Many see God as the angry judge who condemns all they do. They don’t see God’s goodness in the rain, in the beauty of the sunset, or the marvels of creation.
God’s goodness is Grand and Personal.
God pours out his goodness on all of His creation. Matthew 5:45 says that He causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. God’s goodness flows out across the world. His goodness blessed those who love Him and those who hate Him. He offers His mercy to all who will come to Him.
God’s goodness is also personal. It is His goodness that pours our grace and blessing on His children. God is good to you today. He is lavishing His mercy on you, His child.
God’s Goodness is Permanent.
Since God never changes, His goodness never changes. He has been good, is good, and will always be good. His never-ending goodness is at the heart of His love for you. You will never deplete His goodness.
Today, take a moment and celebrate God’s goodness to you. Review all the blessings you have today. Right now, stop and think of three ways God has been good to you. As you remember His goodness, your faith will be strengthened, and your joy will overflow.
Look at that promise once again.
The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. – Psalm 145:9
Confess this today.
- God is Good, and He pours His goodness on me.
- God’s mercy is over me today.
- God’s Goodness never changes.
- God is good to all and good to me.
In Jesus Name,
Guys, don’t forget to sign up for Praying for Her. This free program will help you pray daily and effectively for your spouse.
With Mother’s Day this weekend, what better time to commit to pray for your wife daily. Click Here to sign up.
How has God been good to you this week? Share your praise in the comments below.
In the midst of the pandemic and my husband in intensive care in the hospital, this week has been more than traumatic. I found myself questioning every thjng… I thought I was going to loose my mind.. BUT GOD!. In the midst of my struggle I heard in my spirit these words….”it starts with a decision”. I knew in that moment I had to reach deep down and decide to TRUST GOD no matter what I was feeling, thinking, hearing or seeing. I thank God for reaching down to me in my darkest hour. I am thankful HE DIDN’T LEAVE ME in such despair. HE DIDN’T take HIS PRESENCE from me, nor did HE leave me in a place of utter darkness HE SPOKE, ever so gently., yet also firm and direct to me. I knew what HE was saying. It starts with a decision to TRUST ME, in spite of it all. I won’t force you. You have to decide to trust ME. I considered HIS WORDS and decided to trust HIM.
Ticia, I’ll be praying for you and your husband. Praise the Lord for His grace and peace.
May you continue to hear His voice and feel His peace.
I just had it on my heart to pray for everyone who is feeling any type of hardship, then I read your request.
John 14:27
Anenn to woman above!!
Sending Prayers fir your husband and YOU!!
Trusting GOD is rewarding !!