Today’s Promise

December 2, 2024

What was Meant for Evil, God Used for Good

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.
Genesis 50:20

God Meant it for Good

Sometimes, those closest to you create your deepest hurt and pain. However, God can use your pain and hurt for His glory and your good.

Few people suffered as much injustice as the Old Testament character Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers and betrayed by coworkers. When he refused the sexual advances of his boss’s wife, he wound up in jail.

If anyone had the right to hold bitterness and hatred toward his brothers, surely it was Joseph. 

Yet, years later, those same brothers who had sold Joseph into slavery appeared before Him, asking for help. Over the years, Joseph’s faithful service had elevated him from slave to ruler.

What a perfect time for Joseph to have taken his revenge. He could have had them killed or sent to prison with one command. Surely, they deserved it.

Yet, through all the difficulties he experienced, Joseph could see the hand of God working in his life. God used his betrayal and slavery to rescue the country and later save his entire family.

God Can Use it for Good

No matter what we go through, God can use it for good. God has a way of turning your tragedies into triumphs. He can take your biggest defeat and use it for your greatest good.

There is no doubt about it: you are going to experience times when people intentionally hurt you. They may betray your trust, stab you in the back, or try to ruin your career. Some of your deepest hurts will come from those closest to you.

When it happens, don’t become bitter or try and get even. Take a moment to claim this promise. Even when others intentionally hurt you, God can use it for good. 

Forgive them, and by faith, look forward to what God is going to do.

Look at that promise again.

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. – Genesis 50:20

Make these confessions.

  • God is working all things for my good.
  • Though others may harm me, God will use it for His glory.
  • I will not hold bitterness or unforgiveness to those who hurt me.
  • I will forgive those who wrong me and look forward to what God does on my behalf.

In Jesus’ name,

There are so many life lessons to be learned from Joseph. Take some time to read his story. It’s found in Genesis, beginning in chapter 37.

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, and it’s time to take action! This important day was established as a counter to the shopping frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday is our chance to support ministries and organizations that make a significant impact on people’s lives. As you consider your contribution, I urge you to make a gift to The Daily Promise.

All donations received today or during Giving Tuesday will go towards sending copies of “Praying for Pastors” to churches and spiritual leaders nationwide. Our goal is to mobilize 1,000,000 Christians to begin praying for their pastors.

As a thank-you for your generosity on Giving Tuesday or throughout December, I will send you the audiobook of my new book, “Praying for Your Pastor.” This audiobook will empower you to pray effectively and daily for your pastor. Satan is relentlessly trying to discourage pastors, and in this audiobook, you’ll learn how to become a powerful prayer warrior for your pastor.

Don’t wait—make your gift today by clicking the button below or by mailing your financial contribution to The Daily Promise, PO Box 820505, Ft. Worth, Texas 76182. Your support matters!

Giving Tuesday Gift


Have you seen God take what was meant for evil toward you and use it for your good? (Share your story in the comments below)

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  1. Karen December 2, 2024 at 7:18 am - Reply

    Yes I have. The Lord works in mysterious ways. 🙏

  2. Travis Johnson December 2, 2024 at 11:15 am - Reply

    Yes, miraculously, God led me to go visit an acquaintance out of the blue at the very time a man, who owed me a lot of money was working for her. He paid me the money that day, and God showed Himself faithful to His promises.

  3. Peter December 23, 2024 at 4:37 am - Reply

    Thanks for these encouraging biblical references that serves as spiritual growth . I look forward to them everyday

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