Today’s Promise

October 11, 2023

Call on the Lord in Your Day of Trouble

In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, For You will answer me.
Psalm 86:7

When Troubles Comes

When problems come, do you complain, worry, or call on the Lord? When you call on Him, He will answer.

What do you do when your day of trouble comes? No matter who you are, there will be days of trouble. Sometimes, you may have caused them, and sometimes, trouble just seems to appear on your doorstep.

Right now, you may be in a day of trouble. For some folks, these last several years have been a struggle. The stress of inflation and higher prices have some of us full of anxiety. For others, worry about the global situation and social unrest is a constant fear.

It seems like “the day of trouble’ is familiar to us all. Since none of us can predict what tomorrow may bring, how should we respond when our “day of trouble” comes?

The first way you can respond is with fear and worry. You can let the “what if?” train run uncontrolled through your mind. “What if I lose my job? What if we can’t make the car payment? What if, what if, what if?” The “What if” train is long and fast, and once it gets going, it is hard to stop.

You can also respond to the day of trouble by complaining. It is easy to say, “This isn’t fair; I don’t deserve this. It’s not my fault,” and on and on. The “complain” train runs just as fast and is just as hard to stop as the what-if train.

However, a better way to respond is to call on the Lord. King David had his share of troubling days. Before he became king, Saul had placed a bounty on his head and was out for his life. He faced wars, enemies, and even betrayal and murder in his own family.

Yet David had learned the secret when facing days of trouble. David called upon the Lord. He knew that when He called upon the Lord, God would answer.

When your day of trouble comes, call on the Lord. God will never leave you to face your day of trouble alone. He is ready and will answer you when you call on Him.

Look at that promise again.

In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, For You will answer me. – Psalm 86:7 

Make these confessions.

  • When trouble comes, I will not fear or complain.
  • When trouble comes, I will call on the Lord.
  • When I call on the Lord, I know He will answer me.
  • God will never leave me to face my troubles and problems alone.

In Jesus’ Name,

So when you face a major problem or issue, will you climb on the “What if” or the “Complain” train, or will you respond by calling on the Lord?

Before we close, let me share something that’s on my heart. October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Lifeway research recently stated that 55% of pastors have experienced significant discouragement over the last several years. Barna Research found that 2 out of 5 pastors have seriously considered leaving the ministry. Our pastors need our encouragement and prayer as never before

God has placed on my heart a goal of mobilizing 1 million Christians to pray for their pastor for 31 days. Help me get the word out by going to our Facebook page at  and sharing one of the Praying for Pastors posts on your feed. Help me build a movement of Christians committed to encouraging and praying for their pastors.

Do you worry, complain, or call on the Lord? (Share your story in the comment section below.)

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  1. T October 11, 2023 at 4:53 am - Reply

    I love this daily promise. It is extremely inspiring and encouraging. Thank you. I am learning to find a scripture pertaining to my troubles and trust God for His promises.

  2. Karen October 11, 2023 at 6:25 am - Reply

    I Pray and call upon the Lord🙏

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