Today’s Promise

August 30, 2024

You Can Abide in God’s Love

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.
John 15:9

God Loves You

Jesus loves you just as much as God loves Him. Jesus invites you to abide or dwell in His love. As you do, you will find His love overflowing in you to the world around you.

If there is one word that summarizes the Gospel, it’s love. From the beginning, love has been the central theme of Christianity. God loved us so much that He sent His Son.

Jesus said as much as God loves Him, He loves us.

God Loves Jesus

Imagine how much God loves Jesus. Jesus is His only son. While on earth, He lived in complete, unbroken communion with God the Father. Remember when John the Baptist baptized Jesus? A voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Luke 3)

As a father of three, I know a little about loving my children. I love my children more than life itself. My love is not dependent on their actions or attitudes. Even when they were rebellious and disobedient, I still loved them. 

They are all grown, but they know they can call me day or night. I am always there for them when they need help or are facing a problem.

However, my love for my children is nothing compared to God’s love for Jesus.

Rest in His Love

Now, here is the twist. Jesus loves you as much as God loves Him. Let that sink in a moment. His love for you is beyond measure. That’s why the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3 said that the love of Christ is above our understanding. Just when you think you’re beginning to understand His love, He takes it to a whole new level that goes beyond your comprehension.

Jesus invites you to live in His love. To “abide” means to connect or rest. We are to rest and “make ourselves at home” in the love of Christ.

Everything in life flows out of your love relationship with Jesus. You can rest secure in your faith because Jesus loves you the way God loves Him.

As you abide in His love, His love flows through you to the world. 

Look at that promise again.

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. – John 15:9

Make these confessions.

  • Today, I will live connected to the love of Christ.
  • Jesus loves me the way God loves Him.
  • I am at home in the love of Christ.
  • As I abide in Christ, His love flows through me.

In Jesus’ name,

As you learn to rest and abide in the love of Christ, you find His love begins to overflow to the world around you.


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Thanks for being a part of The Daily Promise family. Tomorrow is review day on The Daily Promise and I hope you will join me as we review the promises we learned this week so we can allow God to move them deep in our hearts. Until then, this is Billy Taylor and God’s Richest Blessings!

How are you resting in the love of Jesus today? (Share it in the comment section below.)

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  1. Omer August 30, 2024 at 5:39 am - Reply

    I can’t understand it how God. Can love me as much as he loved Jesus.. wow! Our finite mind isn’t capable of understanding that but I’m taking it as fact👍😇❤️

  2. Travis Johnson August 30, 2024 at 8:50 am - Reply

    What a promise, that we can experience this incomprehensible love of God, abide in it and have it transform us so that we love others with that same love. Amen.

  3. Christl Ramsundar August 30, 2024 at 9:15 am - Reply

    Jesus’s Love is Truly displayed on the CROSS, HE took every sin on Him, Jesus took every sickness and disease on Him. Jesus when to the CROSS .For the JOY set before HIM. You and I are that JOY. THAT’S LOVE, AGAPE LOVE. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. THANK YOU JESUS 💗

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