Today’s Promise

October 17, 2024

You Can Rejoice in Your Trials

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance..
James 1:2-3

It seems contrary to our thinking, but God says that when troubles come, we are to rejoice. Today, we are looking at the promise that tells us why.

We All Face Trials

No one likes going through trials or troubles. You don’t wake up in the morning hoping for a bad day. However, troubles and trials are often part of life. Right now, many of us are facing difficult times. When you face a difficult time, trial, or problem, God tells us how we are to respond. We are to rejoice!

James Says, Rejoice!

For most of us, that just doesn’t make much sense. We spend our lives trying to avoid problems and difficulties. The phrase “Consider it all joy” really means consider it a pure or complete joy. Don’t look at your difficulties as a punishment or a curse. James invites you to see them as opportunities for God to work.

How can you have complete joy when facing a major problem or trial? 

Rejoice in the Trial, Not for the Trial

First, to clear things up a bit, James doesn’t say you are to rejoice for your trials but to rejoice in your trials. We live in a fallen world, and from time to time, we will all face problems and difficulties. In the midst of our trials, we can rejoice. I am not talking about some “positive thinking, fake it until you make it” mindset. I’m talking about an honest response to difficult times.

Remember, any time God commands you to do something, He has already empowered you to accomplish what He asks. With every command, there is a promise.

You can overflow with joy as you face trials because you know the bigger picture. God never wastes a struggle or problem you face. God doesn’t bring problems into your life but allows them so He can use them for your good. God uses every trial to develop your faith and character.

Testing Your Faith

God uses problems and difficulties to test your faith. Every time your faith is tested, it becomes stronger. Faith that is not tested is useless. You don’t climb up a ladder until you have tested it to make sure it is steady and will hold you. Testing grows your faith.

Faith is like gold; it can stand the test of fire. True faith, like gold, can endure the fire no matter how hot it gets. 

As your faith is tested again and again, it grows stronger and develops endurance. Endurance is the ability to stand amid difficult situations and not give up. Endurance is an expression of hope and faith. You don’t give up because you know God will use it for your good.

James says you will face all kinds of trials. Each of those trials will test and strengthen your faith. As your faith is tested, you will find new strength and endurance to face the next test or trial that comes along. 

In every trial, you can rejoice. God is using every difficulty to strengthen your faith and make you more like Jesus.

Look at that promise again.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. – James 1:2-3

Makes these confessions

  • I rejoice in every trial.
  • God uses every difficulty to strengthen and build my faith.
  • I don’t rejoice for the trial but rejoice in the trial.
  • Every time my faith is tested, I grow stronger in my faith and endurance.

In Jesus’ name,

You can face difficult times because you know God is in control and will use your trials to test and grow your faith. Every trial produces steadfast endurance and deepens your trust in God.

If you want to become consistent in praying for your husband or wife, I have great news. We have two free prayer programs that will remind and instruct you how to pray for your spouse. Guys go to, and ladies go to Join the thousands of husbands and wives who have learned to pray for each other through these free programs.

Can you rejoice while facing trials?  (Share your thoughts in the comment section below).

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  1. Omer October 17, 2024 at 5:28 am - Reply

    I can always have faith and trust in GodSmen👍🙏🤪❤️

  2. Karen October 17, 2024 at 7:33 am - Reply

    We can Faith by knowing that God work’s everything for our Good. We might not understand it at the time but just know it’s for our protection. Romans 8:28 🙏

  3. Travis Johnson October 17, 2024 at 8:55 am - Reply

    This is my least favorite verse in the Bible. I’ve always had trouble with this. Perhaps it is because I tried to rejoice for the trial, not in the trial. I will try to rejoice IN the trial.

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