Today’s Promise
May 10, 2024
You Have Spiritual Weapons
Audio PlayerFor though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
God has given you divinely empowered spiritual weapons to fight against the kingdom of darkness that comes against you daily.
Spiritual Battle
Right now, a battle is raging. You may not see it or even feel it, but don’t be fooled; you live on a battlefield. It’s an invisible battle waged and won in the spiritual realm.
Every day, the powers of darkness and the forces of Satan come against you. Their goal is your destruction. This battle is not a one-time skirmish but a prolonged campaign against you, your family, and your walk with God.
You can’t win a spiritual battle with physical weapons. Fear, worry, and doubt have their roots in the spiritual realm. That’s why trying not to worry or be fearful never works. To fight a spiritual enemy, you must fight a spiritual battle.
Spiritual Weapons
Thankfully, God has given you spiritual weapons to fight the forces of darkness in a spiritual battle.
You will not win this battle by your own strength. The battle is won only through the power of Christ in you and using the spiritual weapons He has given you. Prayer may seem like a weak weapon to the natural world, but in the spirit, prayer is a powerful tool that releases the power of God, directs angelic protection, and engages the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of those you are praying for. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, God’s Word breaks down deception and division. These spiritual weapons become devastating threats to Satan and the kingdom of darkness.
Divinely Empowered
These divinely empowered weapons destroy the strongholds and fortresses of Satan and his kingdom in your life.
As Satan comes against you, use the spiritual weapons of prayer and faith in God’s Word to defend yourself and your family. Then, you can defeat the kingdom of darkness through the power of Christ in you.
Look at that promise one more time.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
Make these confessions.
- A spiritual war is waging all around me.
- Even though Satan will do everything He can to destroy me,
- Jesus has given me spiritual weapons for the battle.
- My weapons are divinely empowered.
- I have victory over the enemy through the spiritual weapons Christ has given me.
In Jesus’ Name,
Don’t let the battle go unchecked. Instead, use the spiritual weapons God has given you. You can use these divinely empowered weapons to wage war against the powers of darkness that come against you today.
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If you believe God has given you spiritual weapons of warfare, Put an “Amen” in the comment section.
I believe amen

By His(Jesus Christ) power we will overcome the enemy..
Amen amen
. Thank you lord Jesus
Amen, we have victory through Jesus Christ!