Today’s Promise

January 24, 2025

You Have Victory Over Sin

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.
Psalm 119:10

Victory Over Sin

Do you ever struggle with sin? This promise reveals that the key to victory over sin is hiding God’s Word in our hearts.

The Word of God is the foundation of the Christian life. God’s word (the Bible) gives us an understanding of God, the teachings of Jesus, and instructions on living the Christian life.

In Romans 10:17, the Bible says our faith is developed by hearing the word of God. Through reading and listening to God’s word, our faith grows as we develop a better understanding of who God is and who we are.

However, something powerful happens when you put God’s Word into your heart. The Psalmist described it as treasuring God’s Word.

As you read, study, and memorize God’s Word, it begins transforming your thinking, attitudes, and even how you live.

The more you place God’s Word in your life, the more His Word makes you more like Christ. As you “treasure” or make God’s Word a priority in your life, His Word renews your mind and keeps you from sin.

A Transformed Mind

As you think about God’s Word throughout your day, the Holy Spirit renews and transforms your mind. God’s word changes the way you think. His thoughts become your thoughts, and His Word becomes your word.

As you focus on God’s Word, it becomes your guiding blueprint for living. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that God’s Word will teach, reproof, correct, and train you.

The more you allow God’s Word to become a part of your life, the more His Word helps you line up your life with God’s will. As this happens, you become more aware of sin and its consequences. God’s word becomes a guide showing you where you stepped off the path and how to get back to the life of obedience.

The Bible Will Keep You From Sin

The great American Evangelist Dwight L. Moody once said, “The Bible will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the Bible.”

As you place God’s Word deep in your heart, it transforms your thinking and living. It will keep you from sin and give you strength when tempted. When you do sin, it shows you how to get back with the Lord.

The Psalmist and Dwight Moody were right: The more you treasure God’s Word in your heart, the more you will walk in purity and obedience to the Lord.

Look at that promise again.

Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You. – Psalm 119:11

Make these confessions.

  • As I treasure God’s Word, it renews my mind.
  • When I read and study God’s Word, it strengthens my faith.
  • God’s word shows me when I sin and how to get right with God.
  • As I treasure God’s Word in my heart, it keeps me from sin.

In Jesus’ name,

As you allow God’s Word to go deep into your heart, it transforms your life and keeps you from sin.


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How has God given you victory over sin? (Share your thoughts in the comments below)


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  1. Travis Johnson January 24, 2025 at 8:48 am - Reply

    I have quoted Scripture when the devil tempts me and he leaves me alone. Praise God.

  2. Denise Hines January 24, 2025 at 9:46 am - Reply

    Thank you lord for covering me today.

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